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Mia's POV
I melt onto my knees in the middle of the road and let the cars swerve past me. I cry into my hands.

"IM DONE!" I scream. "JUST KILL ME"

"LET ME BE WITH HER" I yell at the sky and grey clouds.

I hear cop cars come and people start to stare and surround me. I run down the road and into a public bathroom. I pull out my phone and listen to music to calm my self.

I go onto iMessages.

'Chris, fuck. What have I done. Why did I have to fall in love with Alex. With you. With living. Im sitting here writing this wanting help which I cannot get from anyone. It's my fault. It's all my fault. They're going to take me away and I'll never see you again. This will all be blamed on me. I know it. She's gone and she's never going to come back. There's nothing else that I can do, Chris. I have to go. I'm going to miss you so fucking much. I'm going to miss your scruffy hair in the morning and the way that you could always make me smile no matter what. I don't understand how you made a boiled egg in the dishwasher which actually tasted good. God you made me laugh. All that you are is all that I'll ever need. I'll miss the face that you make when you get angry about something. You'd always laugh afterwards because you can't hold a grudge very well. Your hugs were the best thing ever when I was sad. You understood me so well. This you won't be able to under stand because I really fucked up and made bad choices. Every time I did something or was about to do something stupid I would think about what you would do because You always get things right. You have people to fall back onto. You have your fans, the boys, your family. I have no one and that why I have to go some where. Don't look for me because I'm going Somewhere that you will go only in the future. I'm hoping that anyway. My hands are shaking with nervousness but I'm excited to go. My one wish is that you don't let Alex get away with what he did to me, to Eliza. I miss you already and I'll see you in the future, Chris. I love you.'


Chris's POV
My phone pings. God I'm so worried about Mia it's been hours and she still hasn't come to my car.

I look at my phone...

I read the text.

My head spins.

I track the text in the fastest possible time.

I speed and cut corners.

There was traffic and there was no movement.

I get out of my car and abandon it.

I run down to the public bathroom.

I go into the girls and see that one of the doors was locked. "MIA MIA" I shout.

I kick the door over and over until eventually it busts open.

I let tears run down my face uncontrollably.

A brick from the wall was in her lap and covered in blood.

Her head was hanging back.

Her body lifeless.

I run towards her and cradle her. "MIA. WAKE UP" I shake her.


"CMON. STOP PLAYING WITH ME" I sob into her chest.

I check for a pulse.


I check for any sign of liveliness.


She was broken

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