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(Not edited bcuz imma savage)

Mia's POV
That night I lay in bed and decide to look at the rest of the pictures. 10 of them were of me 10 of them were of Eliza.

I knew exactly who did this! Alex.

It made me tremble when I thought about any of those photos being seen by anyone else. How could he do this to me? Why would he do this to me? Alex was low but this is a whole new level for him.

I walk into my bathroom and grab some scissors. I cut the pictures up over and over and over until they were only tiny pieces. I chuck them in the bin I take deep breaths.

I lie back in bed and turn my lamp off. Chris walks in and I've TO my bed. He kneels down next to it and I turn to face him. He grips my hand and kisses my jawline. "I love you" he whispers. "I love you too"

He kisses me once more and walks out of the room. I turn to face the other way again and shake all night. If anyone saw those photos then my life would be over.

I eventually fall asleep after hours of crying and shaking.
"Mia? Are you awake?" Chris knocks. I was very much awake. I got no sleep and was up all night. "Um. Yeah" I mutter.

I quickly get up out of bed and get changed. I wear a yellow cropped top, a black base ball cap and black leggings.
I then slip on my vans and pack up my books for the day.

"I'm going to bike to school. Bye" I mutter without making eye contact with anyone.

I felt so exposed even if no one even saw those pictures. I saw them and felt so horrible and constantly was feeling dirty but a kind of dirty that multiple showers won't help.

I hop on my bike and cry the whole way to school. As soon I get there I run into the girls bathroom. I go into a cubical and put the seat down. I bring both my legs up and onto the seat and hug them tightly.

Someone walks into the bathroom and I try and hold back the tears so they couldn't hear me.

"Omg did you get that text from that random number?" The girl asks. "Yeah! With the pictures of Mia Taylor and Eliza whatever her last name is?!" "Yeah! God they looked sooo bad in those photos !" One of the girls laugh.

They then use the bathroom and leave. I burst out into tears and start to get phone calls and texts from Chris.

Chris: I'm worried about you. Where are you?

Chris: answer me Mia I know that you and locked up crying some where

Me: Chris I'm fine

Chris: I'm using find my friends.

Me: NO. Don't. Just chill. I'll see you in first period.

Chris: too late.

Chris walks into the girls bathroom and bangs on the door. "Mia I know you're in there. Please let me in" he whispers.

I unlock the door and hug him tightly. He locks it behind him. "I know what this is about" Chris mutters. "The whole school got them... but don't worry we can get through this!"

I pull back from the hug and sit back down on the toilet. I rest my head in my hands as I think about how I can fix this.

"There's no way out" I cry. " there is! There always is!" Chris whispers while getting down to my level and pulling me into another hug.

"I promised you that I'd protect you from harm so that's what I'm going to do" Chris mutters. He kisses my jawline once and pulls me out of the cubical.
O then. Still #RipTeddy2016

Mature >> Chris LanzonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ