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Mia's POV
But where do I go? I rapidly knock on Chris's door and after a couple minutes he answers. "What" he mutually says. I burst into tears. "I can't. I just can't take it anymore." I cry. Chris looks at my apartment door with anger in his eyes.

He hugs me and I melt into him. "Come in" he says. I walk into his apartment and wipe the tears away from my eyes.

Chris walks over to his bed and pats it. I sit next to him and cry into his shoulder. "I can't stay there anymore" I croak. "You can stay with me" Chris suggests. "Do you really think that is a good idea. He hates you." I murmur. "Is this about Alex?" Chris asks. I nod.

Chris wraps his arm around me. The romantic tension was killing me. "Where will you go then?" Chris asks. "I don't fucking know" I sob even more.

"What about your parents?" Chris says. I look at him in shock. "Two words fuck. No. they kicked me out and told me to never come back. All because of Alex." I cry.

"I'm his toy in which he feels like he can slap, screw or drug up at any time. I. Hate. Him. I need him gone" I whisper.

"I can protect you from him. Alex can be stopped but you just don't believe that yet. I hate seeing you like this! You're one of my best friends in the city and I would hate to get home and learn that Alex did something too you. I'd never be able to forgive my self because Ill know that I could've  fixed this and I promise you Mia I will fix this. You will never have to see him again. I will sort this out. Don't doubt me." Chris argues.

"Chris I don't want you getting hurt either. What if I come home to find out that my best friend has been hurt by my SO called 'boyfriend' do you know how that would make me feel. I would feel guilty because I brought him into your life and it's impossible to get him out of it now." I explain.

"Mia. I want to protect you from everything and anyone that comes to harm you. I won't stop until this is over"

"Chris please don't. You will make it worse. You don't understand that. Alex will not give up. If he has a chance to he will kill you in anyway possible. And don't doubt me because I have seen him do it to other people with my very own eyes. Just stay here and keep me warm"

Chris wraps his other arm around me and I snuggle into him more. I let a couple more tears out but as soon as I wipe them away Chris looks at me. "I'm done with this..." Chris mutters. "Please don't start anymore fights" I say. "I'm going over there" Chris demands

Chris runs towards the door and slams it behind him before I could stop him. I was too emotionally exhausted to even walk. Let alone head over there and get my ass beaten. So instead I lay there thinking about the darkest things that could possibly happen. I could My depression was starting to come back and my hands started to shake.

I close him eyes for a second and fall asleep straight away. Darkness surrounded me.
Woop WOOP. Another update. I promised you guys and you got it. Woo. Be proud. I'm going to update a little more then I'm going to bed. Zzzzzzzz

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