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Follow Ma girl chloeharperx <3
Mia's POV
I melt down behind the boys and Chris rises to his feet. He limps over to me and intertwines our fingers. "Are you alright?" Chris asks. "Am I alright? Chris what about you! He hurt you a lot more than he hurt me." I reply. "I'm fine. You're not" Chris says while pointing to the bruises that were forming on my arms and thighs.

Chris turns away but then looks back at my arms again in confusion. He brings my arm closer towards him as he studies the cuts and scars. "Why Mia? Why again?" Chris mutters. "I-I think we should go" Jakob stutters while pulling Ethan out of the room.

Chris looks up at me horrified and turns his shakes his head. My arm was still bleeding and I watched the blood drip down my arm and onto the floor. Chris starts walks out of the room in anger but I pull him back towards me "Chris stop-" "no. You need to stop. You're so selfish! You think that it makes you feel 'better' when all it's doing is making you feel worse and making every one around you including me and the boys feel like crap. I'm done with telling you to stop because I know that you won't. I'm done with helping you because it's not doing anything. I'm done with telling you it'll get better because you clearly don't want it too. Alex is going to come back and we are done helping you. I thought I could help you and change you into a different person. Make you happy. But it's not working-"

I slap Chris across the face and start to cry. He holds his hand to his cheek and storms out of my room. I melt down into my knees and sob into my hands.

I look down at my arms. I let the tears run off my face and soak up into my cuts. I wince in pain and cry more. The crying made me feel nauseous. I run over to the bathroom, hold my head over the toilet and vomit. I lay backwards against the wall and put my ear up to it.

I could hear the boys conversation. Ethan was on Chris's side but Jakob still cared. I didn't understand why he did but I also didn't understand why the other two boys didn't.

I stand up and grab a fresh blade from the cupboard. Without hesitation I slide it across my arm. I repeat it over and over again. I continue the scaring on my thighs and let the blood flow onto the floor.

I walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen which is where the boys were. Chris and Ethan stare at my cuts while Jakob runs over to me. He hugs me and I faint. I was loosing a lot of blood so I felt dizzy. "Why are you just standing there?! Assholes! Your reason to hate Mia is a terrible one and you need to grow up and care About someone  other than yourselves" Jakob yells.
Well shit.

Mature &gt;&gt; Chris LanzonWhere stories live. Discover now