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Mia's POV
I tremble as his breaths hit my neck."can you stop sending messages. Like I get it. You hate me and you think I'm a hoe and what not but it's breaking my phone" I sass. "Don't you dare talk to me like that. You know I can hurt you and plus, I have no idea what you're talk about" Alex spits. "Oh please" I pull out my phone and show him. "Seriously. I'm not sending them" Alex says. "I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth" I mutter. "Are you trying to fight back cunt? Because I fucking love that"

He tries to kiss my neck but I push him into the lockers and walk off. I felt so powerful for once. I turn back to look at alex and see him walk the other direction. That was the first time I ever did anything without getting a beating.

I hear clapping so I turn to my right. Then more clapping and more clapping. Everyone was clapping for me. I do 360 turn slowly and see that everyone was clapping and cheering. I grin and continue to walk to my locker.

I put my stuff away and head off to class. I pull out my phone and was about to text Chris about what happened but then soon remember about the texts that were breaking my phone.

I huff and walk into math class.
After math and English it was recess. Shit. I was going to be alone. I sit at a table by myself and watch everyone eat. My stomach growls as the smell of food fills my nose.

A bunch of dickheads walk into the cafeteria and see me sitting alone. They all whisper among them selves then pace up to my table. "These seats taken princess?" The tallest one asks. His name was Nathan. "I wanted to think of something witty and smart to say so they wouldn't sit with me but I didn't have enough time and they had already sat down.

"What do you want?" I ask. "I was talking to Alex-" "oh fucking hell" I mutter. "He was telling me about how good you are" Nathan smirks. "Good at what" I ask. "Oh baby, I think you know" he laughs. "Fuck you" I spit.

He was sitting across from me and goes to hold my hand. "Piss off!" I shout. Everyone looks at me and I becoming really anxious. The group of dick heads laugh. "Cmon. Follow me" a different guy says. His name was Tristan. Tristan reaches for my hand and tries to pull me out of my chair but I kick him away from me.

I run out of the cafeteria. "Cmon baby! Don't leave!" Tristan shouts. I sprint into the bathroom and into a stall. I lock the door, put down the toilet lid, sit on top and sob into my hands.

Why was I seen as such a toy?
Current moods: still pissed, excited tho, chill because I'm listening to Tenerife sea

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