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Mia's POV
The bell rings to signal that school had finished. Chris and I walk out of class and head to our lockers. "So what's the surprise?" I ask while grabbing my bag and packing up my books. "The three of us want to tell you all together" Chris explains. "Oh ok" I mutter.

We lock up our lockers and walk towards Chris's car. I look around the parking lot... still no Eliza.

I get in the car and Chris starts the engine. I rest my head on the window and close my eyes.
"Mia Mia. Wake up" Chris whispers. I slowly open my eyes and find my self on the couch. "What time is it?" I ask. "About 5:30" Jakob mutters. I sit there shocked. "You gonna tell me about this surprise thing now then?" I say. Ethan nods.

"Ok so. Out and has been growing a lot over the past couple weeks" Chris says. "And we haven't toured in a few months-" "so we decided that we are doing another national tour!" Ethan cuts off Jakob. I smile and nod my head, pretending to be happy. "T-that's great" I mutter. The thought of being alone again scared the shit out of me and I'd be terrified of Alex coming round and hurting me.

"You're coming with us you know" Chris smiles. I run up to him and hug him. I jump and wrap my legs round his waist. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I stutter. I kiss Chris's cheek and smile into his shoulder. "When do you go on tour?" I ask. "We are only doing two days because we want to get used to it but it's on Jan 6th in melbs and Jan 13th in sydney" Ethan replies.

I grin and Chris hugs me tighter. "I know it's not for long but think of it as a holiday" Chris says. I nod. "Also vlado and-" "vlado. Did you just say... vlado. Oh my god. No way. Like Xfactor vlado. Like THE vlado. Like vlado fucking saric" I fangirl. The boys grin and nod. I could scream right about now but I had to keep my cool. "I so excited!" I say.

I hear the door letter box open and someone posts a small package through it. I walk over to the door and pick it up.

"Do you have scissors or something?" I ask. Chris hands me a pair. I cut the top off and find that there are 20 pieces of paper folded up inside.

I unfold the paper and take one glance at it. I put my hand over my mouth and gasp. "What's wrong?" Chris asks. I shake my head. "Nothing nothing. I-I'm fine."

I was not fine. How could ask have done this. He forced me to take all of those photos and who knows who is going to see them. He could have sent them round the whole school.
SHTITIEKDJSOWNDJEOSKDNEKEKDKDKELE. sorry I haven't been updating a lot my guinea pig died #RipTeddy2016

Mature >> Chris LanzonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora