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Mia's POV
My alarm wakes me up at 7am. I huff because of how tired I was. Today was going to be a long day.

I get up out of bed. Put on my plum coloured shorts and a Black cru neck shirt. I then slip on my shoes and get my bag together.

I walk out into the kitchen and See the three boys starring at me. Chris walks over to me and hugs me. "That was so brace of you... last night. I love you so much and never forget that" Chris mutters. I stand there shocked as I get more hugs from Jakob and Ethan. "We will always be here to support you" Ethan says. I nod my head and start to walk towards the front door.

My stomach growls and Chris hands me a cereal bar. "Eat. Please" Chris whispers. I take it from him and put it in my back pocket. "I-I will" I stutter.

I then open the door and walk down the drive, towards the car. I get in and so does Chris.
Once we get to school loads of people stare at me. I walk faster towards my locker because I hated the negative attention.

A good looking boy walks towards me. "Your live stream was amazing. Who is Nathan (that's the fake name that she used for Alex. Continue)" he asks. "I- um- I have to get to class" I stutter. I turn to Chris and he looks at me weirdly.

The guy chases me behind me and makes me slow down. "Seriously! Please tell me his name because I really do have something to say to him" the boy mutters.

"We are here for you- you know" he says. "THREE CHEERS FOR MIA!" someone yells. The all cheer and clap as the students including a very confused Christopher.

I turn my head to the side and run directly into someone. I turn to look at the tall being. "A-Alex. I'm so s-sorry" I quiver as Alex stares at me. I knew he wasn't going to do anything because all these people were here.

He leans down so his mouth was close to my ear. "Meet me at the weed vent after school. Got it?" Alex glares. I gulp then nod. He runs his hand down my back and Squeezes my ass. I jump in fear and the whole corridor becomes tense.

Alex pecks me on the neck and I push him off. He steps closer towards me and basically the whole school watches in fear. They were truely scared for my life.

Chris walks up with his books behind me and takes my hand. He pulls me away from Alex and the bell rings.

We begin to walk towards music class and I turn around to see Alex smirking at me. I turn back to face in front of me and pace faster towards music. Alex walks into the same class room. Chris walks ahead and gets us both a table.

Alex bends down from behind "different time table now gorgeous" he continues to smirk. "Forget the weed vent after school. Come back to mine tonight and I'll let you see Eliza. I'll only let you see her if you bring alcohol and drugs. I'm having a party tonight and my friend can't supply. Make sure you come alone now gorgeous, you don't want Eliza to get hurt"

I shake my head. "Suit your self" he whispers in my ear. Alex starts to walk away. "You won't be seeing her again" he Mutters. "What?" I ask. "You heard me princess.
OH SHIT WADDUP, it's your main hoe extremely inactive recently.

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