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Mia's POV
We get back to the flat and I put my bag on the couch. Eliza sits down on the sofa and crosses her legs. "Do you want something to drink?" I ask.

Eliza shakes her head. Ethan and Jakob walk out of Chris's room. "You better not have been playing on my PS4 again" Chris threatens while making popcorn. Ethan and Jakob tiptoe down the hall and into the kitchen. "I have no idea what your talking about" Jakob winks. "Whatever" Chris laughs. "Just go get me and Mia a drink" "Can do Christopher" Jakob smirks. Chris scowls and then laughs.

Ethan sits in between me and Eliza. I look over at Eliza and see her blushing. I try and hold in my laughter. I nudge Ethan and he looks at me then at Eliza. Eliza smiles at him.

Ethan smirks and turns on the tv. I bring my legs up into the couch and curl up into a ball.

Chris brings the popcorn over and Jakob brings the drinks. Jakob sits on the singular chair and Chris and I cuddle up to each other on the 9ft white couch. Ethan goes onto Netflix and puts on Audrie and Daisy. I rest my head on Chris chest and he wraps his arm round me.

I look up at him and he kisses me. Eliza looks over at us and sighs.

I fall asleep on Chris and he smiles.
I wake up to extremely loud knocking on the door. I jump up and Jakob walks over to the door.

He opens it and we all look round the corner to see who it was this late at night.

"Let me in" the person at the door murmurs. "Who are you?" Jakob asks.
"You don't need to know. Let me the fuck in" he demands. "If you tell me who you are and what you want-"

He bursts through the door forcing him self in. Chris jumps up and stands in front of me. "What do you want Alex" he glares.

Alex tries to walk forwards towards Eliza but Chris pushing him backwards. "Do you want to get hurt? Pussy" Alex threatens. Chris pushes him again making Alex stumble backwards. "Get. Out." Chris whispers.

Alex pulls Chris towards him and throws him out of his way. Alex grabs Eliza by the upper arm and drags her towards the door. "GET OFF ME!" She yells. I try and pace towards Alex to stop him but he puts his hand round my neck and tries to choke me. I try and pull his hand off of me but he was too strong. Ethan and jakob force him out of the door while Chris stops him and tries to calm me down.

Alex runs out of the door with Eliza screaming and kicking. Jakob and Ethan run down the drive after him but he was already in the car with Eliza.

I run into my room and watch them drive away. I melt onto my bed and cry. How could I let her go like that.

This was all my fault. I should've never told her about him. I should've stayed out of their business and never invited her over.

I felt so guilty.

Chris walks into my bedroom and lies next to me. I turn to him and he wipes away my tears.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
Hi frands. Hope you are loving the book!!! Omg I can't believe we are almost at chapter 20! Like lol that's a lot in like a week. I remember my first ever fanfic had 9 chapters that were very shitty and it took 2 months to get there! Lmao. Love you guys!

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