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Mia's POV
For the rest of the day I repeat that over and over in my head. I pick up my phone and see a text from Alex.

He constantly tells me throughout the day how slutty, ugly and fat I am. He tells me all about his replacement girl and even links her Instagram.

Just out of interested I have a look at it. Almost all her photos were of her and Alex. I click on a photo of them kissing and cuddling up to each other to see that it was taken while we were together.

I scroll down further.

He had been cheating on me the whole time that we were together (treating her like royalty) with a girl that was 10x more thinner and prettier than me.

I get another message from him.

"Fat pig, go kill yourself"
"What do you want for dinner?" Chris asks. "I-I'm not hungry..." I stutter. "Are you sure? You didn't have lunch either" Chris asks. "Yeah I just can't keep it down me. Every time I eat I feel like I'm gonna throw it back up" i lie.

Chris walks over and sits next to me. I cuddle up to him and he rests his head on mine. "If there are any problems at all please tell me" Chris whispers. "There's nothing. I'm fine" I smile.

Lying to him was so hard. It's like when you go round to your friends house and they ask if you want anything to eat and you say no even though your stomach is eating it's own fucking self and if you don't eat then you will pass the fuck out.

Chris rubs my hand with his thumb. "Mia. Please be my girlfriend. I won't stop asking until you say yes. You're my everything and I'd be lost without you" Chris pleads. I shake my head. "Chris you know I want to be but I just can't right now. I'm in a bad situation where both of us can get hurt and plus I'm technically still with Alex." I say. Chris looks at the ground. "You've seen the photos of him and that girl haven't you" I mutter. Chris nods. I huff.

"We can do the same back to him if you want. We can post a photo on Instagram of us doing something cute and tag him in the photo" Chris suggests. "Let's not tag him because he'll get pissed. We can always send the photo through a blocked number. But wait. Chris. You have fans. That want to marry you and probably fuck you. What if they give you shit?" I ask. "Who cares. That's there opinion." Chris says. "Cmon let's take the photo."

I snuggle my head into Chris's chest showing part of my face. He kisses my forehead while looking away and takes the selfie. We both look down at the photo. "Can I put it on my Instagram as well? It with fit my theme and it's really cute" I smile. "Of course" chorus says while wrapping his arm around me and kissing my forehead.

Chris posts the photo and within seconds he gets hate from basically every fan / friend. Chris pulls me over his lap and I straddle him.

"Please... we make a couple tumblr couple" Chris laughs
Damn. I wish Chris and I could be a cute tumblr couple. Am I the only fucking one. I also had a shitty day today. Wooooooo

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