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Mia's POV
Alex forgets to wake me up (like always) so I was running a bit late. I look around to try and find Alex but decide that he had already gone.

I change my underwear / bra and for some reason my legs take me to Chris's apartment. I knock on the door and he answers and looks me up and down. "Aren't you going to put any clothes on?" Chris laughs.

"Well, that's why I came here." I say while handing him his jumper. "Could I borrow another... please" I ask.

I was sick of being the high school slut. I didn't have time to go shopping so that why I went to Chris's apartment.

"Of course! Let me go get one" Chris mutters while walking away. "Come in come in. I'm Making eggs and bacon do you want some?" He asks while looking through a draw of hoodies. "Um, if you don't mind" I say. "Not at all" he smiles.

Chris walks back over to me with a long sheer black tee. "I thought you could use more of a dress time thing" Chris smiles. I nod.

I pull it over my head and it lands 3 inches above my knee. "It's perfect! Thank you" I yell. "You can keep it if you want. I don't really wear it anymore and you look 10x better in it than I do." Chris laughs.

I hug him and he put some food on a plate for me. I quickly eat it all and run back over to my apartment for a second. "I'm just going to get my bag and put some shoes on" I shout through my open door. "Ok, I'll meet you at the elevators." Chris suggests. "Ok" I agree.

I put my adidas on and throw my heavy denim bag over my shoulder. I tie my hair in a messy bun then leave.

I walk down to the elevator to see Alex and Chris glaring at each other. "A-Alex. What are you doing here?" I shiver. "I told you to stay the fuck away from her" Alex cusses while pushing Chris backwards. "I was helping her. Unlike you" Chris whispers under his breath. "What did you just say to me?" Alex threatens. Chris looks over at me just before he is about to say something. But I shake my head. "Don't" I mouth.

Chris pushes Alex back and Alex falls to the ground. "I think the only person that needs to stay away from Mia is you" Chris scowls.

The elevator door opens and I pull Chris into it. The doors close and I just felt like crying. If I did I would then have to do my make up again so I do what I normal do and hold my breath for a couple seconds. 

"What was that!" I yell. "I don't like to see people get battered around by pricks like him." Chris intensely says. "Just please leave it to me. you'll get hurt." I shout. "I'm not the one with the cut open hand" Chris says while gesturing to my bandage. "I just can't stand him" "you've known him for a couple days" I Correct. "I know but you don't need to know someone for a long time to learn that someone's a prick" Chris says. "I guess you're right. Just please don't do it again" I smile. "I can't promise that! It's the hulk inside me that's talking when he's around" he laughs.

I shake my head and smile while we walk out of the elevator and to Chris's car. "You don't have to drive me to school you know. I can bike there" "i know but I don't want to look like 'petty boy' when walking into school" Chris laughs. "I didn't mean that you know. I shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Even though it's a amazing cover" I smile. "Are you saying I'm good looking?" Chris laughs. I blush and sink into my seat thinking about what I just said. "Don't worry you don't have a bad cover yourself" Chris smirks. I smile
Oh Ma gaesdsss I love writing this so much! And also thanks for all the support! I didn't expect the amount of people that did say they liked the book! Thank youu guys ily ily ily. Anyway I need to get onto to writing the next chapter. ;)

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