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Mia's POV
I pull my extremely strong smelling perfume out of my bag and spray my self with it so I didn't self like 1838 tonnes of weed.

I open the door and head over the the desk. I look the receptionist straight in the eye. We both hated each other.

"I don't really think that is very appropriate for school now is it?" The bitchy receptionist says.

"I don't see any dress code broken. Well there isn't a dress code now is there. So let me get on with my day" I say while flicking my hair and realising how much of a insecure bitch I was.

"Wait, miss Taylor." The principle says. "I have a job for you. Come in"

I walk into her office to see a guy who I didn't recognise. He had dark hair and dark eyes. His arms strong and thighs tough.

I sit down in the chair next to him. "This is Christopher Lanzon. He a new student here. I want you to show him round and tell him where all his classes are. Oh and the reason we assigned you to him is because he lives in the apartment across from you so I thought it would be very handy if he needed anything"

"Um. No thank I'm good. I'm not going to look after some petty boy who is going to bother me all the time" I argue.

"You don't have a choice. If you don't help him then 6 hours detention every night for the rest of the year. NO exception."

I huff and walk out of the office. "Are you coming or not?" I say.

Chris follows behind me. "Sooo... you can come back to mine if you want." I suggest. "Sur-" "if you want to get arrested for drugs and under age alcohol. Alex's apartment is basically a strip club so let's go to yours" I demand.

"Oh um ok. I live by my self because my parents want me to be 'independent' So it'll be good to have some visitors." Chris says.

I smile.

Woah what the fuck did I just show emotion. What the hell is this.

Chris has his Ls so he drives us back to the apartment block.
Chris unlocks the door and signals me in. I did my extremely uncomfortable shorts that were going up my ass and my tight bra which gave me four boobs.

"You look really uncomfortable wearing that. Do you want a long jumper or something to wear?" Chris asks.

"Ew n- um ok actually. Thanks." I mutter. Chris hands me a long grey 'The 1975' jumper "oh my god I love the 1975!" I yell. "Really? They're my favourite band!" Chris says.

I take off my platform converses and tight shorts. Then my cropped top and bra. "WOW. Ok so you're just going to change here" Chris croaks while covering his eyes. "What you've never seen boobs before?" I laugh. So does Chris.

Chris pats the bed and I sit next to him. He turns the tv on and I get underneath the covers. Chris copies me.

I close my eyes and exhale. "This is the comfiest I've been in a long time. And your apartment doesn't smell like weed" I giggle.

"I try my hardest" Chris laughs
YAS. fun. Omlll I love this book so much. Also Mia isn't going to be a bitch for long. Don't worry 😂. Anyway I hope your liking the book!!!

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