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Mia's POV
It's like I'm being weighed down by invisible chains. Dragged round like a dog on a walk. I want to escape from this but I'm already too far in.

I walk into school that day like I usually do. Alex (my boyfriend) next to me, using me as a toy to show off to his friends... like always. He picked out the sluttiest clothes for me to wear. He tells me it gives him and his friends a good 'view' during class.

Since I moved to this school I needed to be with Alex but once I started dating him I found out what he was really like.

Immature. Always dosed up on cocaine and a all around prick.

Alex has changed me. I've lost all my friends, family and my virginity. Nobody can stand me, not even my own mother can be in the same room as me anymore.

I try talking to other people but they don't want to listen. Yeah they all love Alex but They think of me as his high / slutty Girlfriend who follows him round 24/7.

Which, I'm not going to lie, is completely me now. Alex got me into drugs, alcohol, partying and dressing like a complete whore.

But the thing is I do it all for Alex because I'm scared if I don't he will leave me. I know it sounds weird but Alex is the only person left in my life and if he goes then I'll be all alone and that's my worst nightmare.

I don't want to be like this. I've tried to escape from it but it's like I'm his item in which he can discard of at anytime.

He has broken up with me plenty of times before because he slept with someone better. Every time I begged for him back because I had no where else to go live.

What really sucks though is that if I brake up with him then I'm screwed. He can ruin my whole life in 0.3 seconds.

I rely on him to keep me living but he's killing me from the inside out.
I turn to my locker which was next to Alex's and grab all my stuff.

I had geography, the only class in which Alex wasn't with me. This was my favourite class because it's like a breath of fresh air. A place where I can actually learn.

I pace down the wide corridor and into c17 which was my geo classroom.

I place my books down on a desk at the back and slump into my chair.

We do roll call and the teacher gives us some work.

I open up my laptop to watch the documentary that the teacher assigned us when I see Alex signalling from outside.

I ignore him but he starts causing a scene and people start to look.

"Um. Mr jones? Can I go to the bathroom please?" I ask.

The teacher nods his head and I exit the class room. As soon as I walk near him the smell of weed fills my nose.

"What do you want Alex?" I groan "Don't talk to me like that. Who do you think I am?" Alex shouts.

I huff.

"Do you want me to make you? Because I can do much more than that..." Alex mutters while pulling my ear towards his lips.

"Now come with me..." Alex drags.
He pulls me down the hall and out of the school.

"Really. Skipping school again?" I complain.

"Shut the fuck up Mia. Just follow me" Alex shouts.

I follow him behind the school and begins to climb up a metal ladder that leaded to the roof. We walk over to a vent on the top of the school and Alex pulls some weed out of his pocket.

I'm not even surprised.

He pulls out a match and pours the weed down into the air vent.

Alex lights the match and drops it in.

Minutes after, the whole school smelt like weed. "Well I guess you could call this a 'high' school" Alex puns.

I bury my head into my camo Jacket as I walk back into my class room.
The principle ended up sending the whole school home because everyone was just getting high.

"Mia Taylor can you please come to the principles office." the receptionist yells.
Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! I tried to make it as interesting as possible!

Mature >> Chris LanzonWhere stories live. Discover now