"You better," I tell him, laughing, "Alright, I need to go to this last one then. Tell Nirvana to pick me up here please."

"I'll let her know, let's hope she's on my wife's good side today, she's been calling her Vanessa all morning, not good. Bye now."

Today is my birthday, but sadly I could not enjoy my morning at all hence I had a whole schedule this morning. Luckily, Danny didn't schedule any more interviews for in the afternoon so I was going to spend it with my friends. I was excited and nervous since I would have to talk obviously, but the whole morning, my stomach wouldn't stop giving negative feelings. I try to not overthink it, hoping it was just any mistakes I would probably make on the interviews.

"So, Cassidy, there are rumors that you used to hang out with the boys from 5 Seconds Of Summer, is that true?"

My stomach twists again, maybe that was why I have a bad feeling. I smiled, shaking my head, I try not to talk about that and if it's brought it up, I pretend I don't know them, "I'm unaware of 5 es-oh-es. I'm sorry."

She smiles, confused but continues. She will probably have to cut off that part. She goes on with her questions and concerns about my career. Soon, the interview ended and I waited for Nirvana to pick me up since the others were busy. Getting into the car, Nirvana takes the long route, claiming that Wes told her to do it, but the way there, the gut feeling still wouldn't go away, it started to hurt.

"You're alright?" Nirvana asks, in response I shook my head.

Nirvana then pulls the car over, rubbing my back as I groaned, "I don't know why, but I just been having a gut feeling the whole morning. I thought it was because of the interviews, b-but I don't know Vanessa."

"Calm down, Cass," Nirvana tells me, sitting me up, "You're overthinking and that's not gonna help."

Sighing, I nodded, but with this gut feeling, my body started to become tense, my heart wouldn't stop beating fast, and my palms were sweating. I started to feel that the car was closing in on me so I get out of the car, walking back and forth on the pavement to calm down the nerves. Turning around, I see that Nirvana reaches out to grab my bag and takes out my phone. Someone must be calling. Sighing, I still walked, Nirvana rolls down the window, "Cassidy."

"What?" I asked, leaning down to the window, but Nirvana hands me my phone.

From Mom:
I love you.


"Cassidy, slow down! I think you're overreacting," Nirvana tells me as I entered into my house' drive, thank God Wesley taught me to drive or Nirvana wouldn't drive me here, so I drove us here, "If there is something happening, we have to call the cops!"

"You call the cops, I going to spare us some time," I tell her, getting out, "Do not come in unless I call you too, okay?"

"You're crazy! Get back over here! You could die," Nirvana tells me, trying to get me back into the car.

"He could kill my mom!" I snapped back.

"Cassidy, please. You're scaring me, just come back and message her. I'm sure she sent you that because it's your birthday."

"Just call the cops and stay here."

Turning my back on Nirvana, I ignored her calls for me as I ran to the house, seeing that the front door was opened, something must've happened for mom to send me that message. If she sent that, she would've sent something else like that, plus she wasn't answering my calls nor my messges.

Slowly opening the door, I tiptoed in, trying to here where they were, I couldn't hear anything at all but my heartbeat, drumming into my ears. Where should I go?

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