Chapter 25

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Harry's POV

I layed on the floor crying much longer than I should have. Eventually I picked myself up and ran to my room grabbing my shoes and coat putting them on.

Then I went to Katherine's room and grabbed the teddy bear I had gotten her when she was first born. I grabbed the keys off of the little table by the door and got in the car.

I took deep breaths in and out, in and out, trying to calm myself down as best as possible before starting to drive. I probably looked crazy driving like a madman but I honestly didn't care.

I pulled up to the hospital giving my keys to the valet and running inside. "Hi I'm Harry Styles, my wife and daughter were in a car accident and there here," I stated running out of breath.

"Ok sir calm down, what's the last name?" Is she seriously telling me to calm down right now my family could be dying and she's telling me to calm down. "Styles the last name is Styles."

"Alright sir, your gonna go through this door her take the first left and they'll be in room 240." "Thank you so much," I rushed out and went through the door.

I took the directions she said and walked into the room. There was a doctor in there writing something on her clipboard. "Hi are you Mr. Styles?" "Yeah." "Alright sir, I'm Dr. Burke they both just came out of surgery. Your wife faced more injuries than your daughter considering she was in the front and she was in the back. Hopefully they'll wake up soon." She walked out of the room leaving me all by myself.

I looked at the both of them, I could hardly recognise Sophia she had scratches and blood covering her body. Katherine didn't look to well either but she didn't look as bad as Sophia.

It broke my heart all this had to happen, this wouldn't of happened if I wouldn't have cheated on her. I sat in one of the hard chairs and starred at them.

If they wake up what's gonna happen then? My mind was racing with thoughts. Would Sophia remember me? Would she let me see Katherine? What if she didn't remember me? Why did any of this even have to happen?

A silent cry fell across the room. My breath hitched and I stood up. Katherine was trying to move around. I called the nurse with the remote and looked down at her.

"Shhh it's ok Katherine daddy's here," I said rubbing her tiny hand.


So what did you think? Thanks for reading!! I'll see you next chapter

Ily~ Savannah💞

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