Chapter 20

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Harry's POV

A doctor walked out right away and we walked into a room. Sophia was still groaning in pain and she immediately sat on the bed.

"Hello Mr. Styles and Miss. Pines I'm Dr. James." The doctor said and shacked our hands.

"I'll need you to change into this," he said handing Sophia a hospital gown. Sophia left to go change and I say all the stuff down on a chair and sat down.

Sophia came back out and layed down on the bed. "Ok now do you want to have a natural birth or do you want the shot?" "I'll be having the shot please." The doctor nodded her head and walked out of the room.

"Harry?" I looked up at her from my phone. "Yes darling" "I'm really nervous." "It's ok darling I am to but I know you can do this we can do this together." She smiled a little but I knew she was in a lot of pain.

Dr. James walked back in with a cart. "Alright I'll need you to sit up so I can give you the shot." She lifted Sophia's gown and gave her the shot in the back.

Shortly after she layed back down. "Ok so I'm gonna have the nurse come in and see how far your dilated. You can start pushing when your at a 7, and the pain should start decreasing." "Alright thank you." Sophia said tiredly. "No problem push that button if you need anything." The doctor said handing Sophia a remote with a bunch of buttons on it.

Sophia rolled over as best as she possibly could with her pregnant stomach. "Harry can you wake me up when the nurse gets in here?" "Yeah." She didn't say anything else after that.

I should be tired it 4:30 in the morning but I'm not. I'm to excited and nervous at the same time to sleep. Within a few hours I'm gonna be a dad how crazy is that.

Katherine Emerson Rose Styles how did I come up with something so beautiful? And Sophia actually liked it. I'm amazed.

There was a knock at the door and within a few seconds and short petite brunette walked in. "Hi I'm nurse Patty you must me Mr. Styles." She said shaking my hand.

"I am, that's my finance sleeping let me just wake her up." She smiled a little and nodded her head.

I walked over to the bed and shacked her a little. "Sophia darling you have to wake up the nurse is here." She opened her eyes a rolled over.

"Hi I'm just gonna see how much your dilated." "Ok." The doctor did her thing to see how far dilated Soph was and then grabbed her clipboard.

"Ok so your dilated to a 4 I'll notify the doctor that you'll be giving birth in just a couple of hours. Congratulations!"

It's happening wow I can't believe it.


Thanks for reading as always! The next couple of chapters will be a little longer than usual. And can you guys comment some new fanfiction ideas for me to write.

I'll see you next chapter!

Ily~ Savannah💘

I'm pregnant by my best friend Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora