Chapter 6

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Sophia's POV

"Aww Soph your throwing up again I'm sorry." My sister Sinai spoke. I've been throwing up the past couple of weeks and I had no idea why.

I couldn't of been sick because I didn't actually feel like I was sick. I just threw up every morning.
"Are you ok?" My sister comfortingly asked. I nodded my head "yeah I'm fine."

"Maybe we should take you to the doctor this isn't normal." I nodded my head again. I really didn't have anything to say to anyone I just felt empty since Harry left.

"Alright Soph go get ready I'm taking you to the doctor." I got up and walked into my room and threw on some clothes before we walked out of the house and into her car.

Harry's POV

This past month had been the same routine for me. I would get up go to the park me and Sophia used to go to when we were little, come home and go to my room and cry. That's all I could do is cry she's gone and I felt so empty.

Sophia's POV

The drive to the doctors office didn't take very long and before I knew it the doctor was standing in front of me. "So Mrs. Pines what seems to be the problem?" "I've been throwing up every day for the past month and I have no idea why." "Alright I think I might know why. I just have a few questions." I nodded my head.

"When's the last time you had sex?" "A little over a month ago." And that's when it hit me I could be pregnant. "Well we'll just have you take a test to determine my thoughts and then we can let you go. Just take this and go into that door right there and bring it to me when your done." He said handing me a cup.

I sat down peed into the cup put the lid on and walked out. I handed it to him he mumbled and thanks and I'll be right back.

I sat in one of the hard chairs very scared for the outcome. Just thinking about having a baby inside me made me scared. But what scared me the most was that if I was Harry was the dad and he was nowhere to be seen.

After what felt like forever the Dr. Walked back in. "Congratulations Mrs. Pines your pregnant." I let out a gasp not the happy kind. And shook my head as tears began to fall. I looked over at my sister but she was already looking at me with an expression I could read.

"Come on Sophia let's go," she said taking my hand. "Sinai can you drop me off at the park by the house please I need time to myself right now." "Sure Sophia," she said with a smile.


Thanks for reading!! What did you think? Should I do a double update today? I'll see you next chapter!

Ily~ Savannah💘

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