Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen.

"Yo Donnie. You coming my party on Friday?" Jade screamed across the playground as I headed to first period. Her hair was up in a dark mess and her makeup looked less smudge than the last time I saw her. She had piercings everywhere possible it seemed and a pair of huge ass stretchers, man they were sick. I strolled up to her so she wouldn't shout across to me again, drawing unwanted attention to us. I hadn't seen Sam s'morning. He wasn't waiting when I went I got there with Ashby and she offered to walk to lesson with me but Luke fucking Ingram didn't look happy so I declined the offer. Someone give me a medal.
"Yea, I'm most likely going. Why'd you ask?" Her thick, false lashes opened up wide to meet my eyes and she picked the matt black nail polish of her cursing finger.
"Wasn't sure you got the message" She spoke with a bored tone.
"Everyone in the school knows about your party, Jade" I laughed slightly.
"Hm, I heard everyone over a Lyndon did too" She smirked darkly, Lyndon was another high school about four or five blocks away. They were normally our sport competitors and seemed to be the best at everything. Their uniforms were neater and stricter, their buildings were freshly painted and the students were all intelligent motherfuckers. They were actually the opposite of us to be honest.
"Hm well lucky you. You're going to have posh snobs who will probably go home at nine to have their Mommies tuck them into bed, come to your party, Jay" I spoke to her, pointing both my thumbs in the air, wiggling them in her face and smirked grew as she shone a pair of man-made fangs. Neat touch, maybe I needed to introduce this chick to Ashby I expected them to get on really well.
"Well you know my saying. I turn wimps into pimps"
"I thought it was dicks because they always ended up dumping your ass" I joked and she flipped me off along with a black lips pout. "Just come or I'll make you wear a crown of dicks"
"Well aren't you a classy girl" I said with false enthusiasm which earned me a double flip off by her.
"Classier than Charlotte and you had a go on her as well as going back for seconds so who's really the loser here" She replied, her thumbs now wiggling at me. Man, this girl had the best comebacks ever. My god I had forgotten how good it felt talking to Jade, she almost like a lad through and through so you know a total wanker then.
"Good point. Have you seen Queen Bee today?"
"Yeah. She was crying about something. So I threw a tissue pack at her head" She laughed, I opened my mouth stunned of what to say. This girl had a no shit limit.
"What? I was being nice. She was crying, I gave her tissues not my fault they missed her hands" She laughed again and her fangs reflected off the cold morning sun.
"You just have no fear, do you" I joked back.
"I don't fear the slaggy- bitches if that's what you mean... oh shit, it's like we teleported the girl here. Right this my queue to leave. See you around Don" She replied as she eyed up a makeup steaming Charlotte coming in this direction. Well shit on a cracker.
"Yeah, I'm gonna leg-it too"
"As if you could escape her, film the bitch fit for me?" She joke before walking off but not before she could eye ball Charlotte though.
"Donnie!" Charlotte sniffed running up to me in how many inched heeled shoes she was wearing along with her infant uniform size uniform again.
Then suddenly her arms were around my waist. Her face buried in my chest well my jumper wouldn't be black or clean anymore, makeup stains would be tricky to explain to Jaynie. I stood there awkwardly, my arms apart.
"Hey... Charlotte" I spoke unsure as she pulled back to fold my arms around her hips, giving a slap of weird dejvu. Black lines went down her face taking her tan off at the same time. She looked a hot mess, eh... actually she just looked a mess.
"Donnie. I missed you this weekend!" She exclaimed while sniffing again.
"And that's why you're...crying?" I replied pulling an unsure face.
"No Clayton told me off because I said I was in love with you, not him. He said some very nasty things to me" She explained sniffing again as she made her eyes tear over again.
"Oh no! I said too much!" She spoke dramatically. While wiping her eyes with the back of her hand then wrapping them around me again.
"What did he say?" I said normally, hiding my curiosity about how nasty Clayton could be. "Please don't hurt him again, Donnie! Not over me. Just comfort me" She continued, trying to pull me closer, reaching up on her tip-toes to snuggle into the curve of my neck.
"Right okay..." I spoke simply before breaking her iron grip and walked to the maths building.
"What?!" She yelled, stomping her heel off the floor and ta-da! Her tears had magically disappeared. I turned around sightly to see her marching up to me again.
"I said okay. I won't fight Clayton"
"But he upset me?"
"But you told me not too, remember?" I told her smugly. She huffed, stomping her feet again. Yep, the bitch fit was coming but pulling my phone out to video it seemed to much a death wish, right now, no matter how badly I watched to show Jade.
"I will get you, Donnie" She spoke as I started to walk away again.
"Yeah, yeah Wonder Woman said the same thing, love"

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