"Probably sooner than that, her wolf is seriously in heat right now." My wolf huffs. Saryia backs away, Haty turns her horse in the direction of the mountains. She gently flicks the reigns and the horse begins to gallop. I flick mine as do the rest of the guards. All twenty of them surround us as we take off from the mansion.

"There is a reason my wolf told me to escape in the direction of the mountains  when I first got here." Hatspehut states looking up at the mountain.

"Why is that?" Hatspehut sighs. Her eyes haven't left the mountain for a while.

"Because of what was beyond them.... If we ride hard we will be half way there by night fall! Let's move!" Hatspehut flicks the reigns harder, her black horse whinnies and gallops ahead. I make my horse go faster, so do the rest. We ride towards my new territory, not saying much. The only talk was my wolf chatting away about marking his new territory. I try to tune him out as best as possible while I survey the trees for any unwanted company.


Nightfall has crept over us quickly. We will move continually through the night so our scent won't be able to be followed. That is the last thing we need. We have no fires lit, cannot draw attention to ourselves. So Haty and I share a tent whilst the soldiers stand guard on the outsides of the camp. Hatspehut sits in the tent with me with a big fur over her shoulder. The glazed over look in her eyes tell me she is talking to Saryia.

I don't know how it is possible that she can talk to Saryia through some type of pack link they have. The both of them must be stronger than I thought, or it could be some type of side effect to them mating. She blinks a few times then looks back at me.

"Everything is okay back home. I miss her so much." She sighs deeply them shivers. I've noticed that she has gotten cold again, it was like that when her and Saryia were fighting. What I do notice is Haty is doubting her marriage to Saryia. I hope my brotherly advice will help out.

"She really loves you, you know." Haty tilts her head to the side then nods.

"I know."

"No, I mean she really loves you. Haty I've been watching you over the past few months, and I can tell you are in doubt." Haty laughs dryly then looks at me again.

"There is no doubt at all between Saryia and I. I know that she loves me and I love her." I cross my arms and raise my eyebrow.

"Tell me this, do you think that she loves you besides the fact that you are mates? I mean does her love go beyond that?" Hatspehut's eyes widen at my question. I want her to know how much Saryia loves her, I should know love like hers when I see it.

"I'm positive it does. Why do you ask?"

"Do you notice how she looks at you, how she protected you from everything that came your way, how she is more than willing to do anything to reassure your happiness? The kind of love she has for you goes waaay beyond mates. Think about it, just think about it for a second. Don't just think about her love for you think about your love for her. All the way from the beginning when you first saw her." She went deep into her thought. Haty or Odin never went into detail what happened before I came to the mansion, but I get an idea of what happened.

I could see it in their eyes anytime I would ask about it. Painful things happened before I showed up, and I can see it now in those dark brown eyes. A tear falls from her eye.

"I didn't love her when I first got here. I didn't want to love her. But everything in my heart pushed me to her. It wasn't even my wolf that made me do it, it was just me, my heart that told me to go to her. After my failed escape, everything changed, she changed. She opened herself to me and I opened myself to her, and. . . we fell in love." I moved over to Hatspehut and pull her into my arms.

Rising of The Blood Moon (GirlxGirl)(Sequel of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now