Chapter 28

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Ouma Kokichi didn't have parents. They died when he was six years old — at this age, he knew what death was. He understood that his parents were dead. He understood he would never see them again. He understood they died in a slow, painful way. He once burned the tip of his finger, and it hurt. So what must it be like to get burned everywhere? On your whole body? It must hurt a lot.
His parents died in a fire. The whole house burned. Do you know why?
It's because Ouma broke a lamp right next to the curtains ; of course they started to burn, and, you know, the fire spreads easily and fastly.
At six years old, Ouma understood that it was his fault. His parents died in a slow, painful way, because of him. Why was he the only one who survived, anyway?
"Run, Ouma, I'm begging you! Just get out of here! I'll take care of your mother, just wait for us outside! Please! We'll be back, I promise!" These were the last words he heard from his father's mouth. He remembered thinking, "She's probably already dead, isn't she?" but he ran anyway. He was a good little boy, always listening to his parents.

He had his purple pillow in his hands, he always had it. He ran, he ran. He waited on the outside, just like his daddy told him to. He waited, he waited. "Maybe I should call the firefighters?" he thought, not knowing that the neighbors already did. "No... Daddy told me to wait. I will wait. He'll come back with mommy." So he did. He waited.
The firefighters arrived, the neighbors were all outside, everyone told him to go with the firefighters. They will take care of you, they said.

But he didn't want to go. Daddy told him to wait, he promised he'd come back with mommy. Ouma Kokichi was a good child, he wouldn't disobey his parents. They were fine, and they were going to come back.

That's what he thought.

The firefighters had to take him by force. Ouma kicked, yelled, punched, he didn't want to leave his parents there. But he didn't have a choice.

Already a few days later, Ouma was placed into an orphanage.
As I mentionned, he knew what death meant, but he didn't want to admit that his own parents were dead. Did Lily die too? Lily was his dog, his best friend. Lily was adorable. Did she also burn in a slow, painful way?
Maybe she did. But not his parents. Daddy said he'll come back. So he will, eventually.

No one wanted to adopt him. He was too closed up into his own little world of "My parents are still alive, I don't need new ones". Nobody wanted an insane kid. Because that's what he was, right? Not facing the reality, that's a pretty high level of craziness.
He didn't talk to anyone. He didn't want to eat, or drink. He was forced to do so.
A few months later, he became aggressive. He said that his parents must be back by now, and he had to find them. He said no one would stop him from finding them.
He got so aggressive that the nurses from the orphanage had to make him wear a straitjacket. Wondering why do orphanages have straitjackets? Well... orphanages aren't as amazing as the movies present them.

After a while of him being completely silent and wearing the straitjacket every single day and every single night, he heard the words he thought he would never hear. "Someone wants to adopt you, Ouma."
He didn't want to be adopted, his parents were probably still looking for him. But he didn't want to stay in this straitjacket either.

He accepted to meet the family.

"Hello, Ouma. I'm Ciara and this is my husband, Kuro. The little boy here is named Hika, he is our son. We're very happy to meet you!" a woman in her thirties, with dark pink flowing hair and beautiful orange orbs said, a radiant smile on her lips. His husband seemed very nice, too. And the little Hika was extremely enthusiastic about meeting his future brother.

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