"Why would you need to worry about me. I'm ok. " she said looking to me once again confused.

"Well I do worry about you my girl. I worry about everyone one I love." I smiled once again continuing to wipe her tears.

"And I don't want you to leave honey. I want you in my life. You're very special to me and to Jude Mariana." I could no feel my voice crack for Mariana had become very special to me in the last few weeks and she continued to tug at my heart each and every day just a little bit more.

"Its ok you don't have to tell me what you think I want to hear."

"Honey I am not. I love you Mariana. Very much." Gently I cupped her cheek with my hand as she smiled at me.

"I love you too Stef. I love you so much." she wrapped her arms around me leaning her head on my shoulder.

"But you need to be honest with me my girl. What's going on at that foster home that you never want to go back home to? Is someone bothering you? Are they not feeding you what is it baby? Talk to me."

"No it's non of that. They are ok." she said playing with the buttons on my uniform shirt as her voice continued to grow sadder.

"Then what is it honey? What is it my love?"

"Nothing.I just love you mommy." she whispered holding me tighter as my eyes began to water and my heart soon broke in a million pieces.



"He had a gun and shot it? What a psycho!" Mariana said as she sat next to me in my hospital bed as we sat eating the burgers, fries and milkshakes Stef had gotten us.

"Yeah I know. He went crazy and slammed my head on the glass door. It was scary."

"Gosh. I'm so sorry that happened to you Cals. I hope they put his creepy ass away."

"I know me too. But I still have to possibly testify against him in court."

"Gross." she said letting out a disgusted face as all I could do was laugh. "So do you know like what's gonna happen to you?"

"Well the cops questioned me like a million times. Stef said I'll probably get probation for 7 months and pay another big fine. Then probably another 7 for the convenience store thing. But not really sure."

"MM are you scared?"

"I'm ok I guess. Worried more then anything." I said taking another bite enjoying the bacon added into the burger.

"Well don't worry we will all be there for you no matter what." she reassured letting out another wide smile.


"Have you heard from her dad or anything?"

"No. He doesn't care. He didn't even care that my mom got into an accident."

"God what an asshole. I'm sorry Cals I really am."

"It's ok. It sucks. I mean I just feel bad about how I treated everyone. I was pretty awful." I said avoiding her eyes as I grabbed another fry dipping it in the milkshake.

"Look we all get it. All you can is go from here and realize what you did that's all. Everyone makes mistakes. I just hope we are friends again. I really missed you."

"Yes and I just want to say I'm sorry for everything. I should never have said any of those things to you. Ever. You're an amazing friend and I hope one day someone does adopt you because you would be an amazing daughter to anyone Mariana and you deserve it. I honestly love you."

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