Poor Choices

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"Here next hit is yours." Aaron said as he passed me the joint and we sat in his parked car near a deserted park. After running from my mother at the dinner earlier I just wanted to be alone and not think. The week had been hell and I just wanted to clear my brain from it especially from the crap she was telling me about our use to be close relationship. I didn't care and I didn't want to know.

"Thanks." puffing on it I inhaled feeling it take over my senses.

"So what now?"

"I don't care anything. The week was shit." I admitted staring out into the darkness.

"I know. Barely saw you. You're mom and that bitch cop are really up your ass. Has she really been following you around class?"

"I can't make that up. She even goes in the bathroom with me." I said rolling my eyes taking another puff.

"Shit. She's a pain in the ass. She caught me at least three times in two months. That bitch doesn't give up and locked up a few of my guys. Can't stand her. I swear that whore needs to get shot." he said laughing.

I jerked my head back upon hearing that for I didn't like Stef but I would never wish that on anyone. Even her.

"I could have shot her many times. Should have." he laughed again as my stomach was now turning.

"Look, I don't like her and all but I'm not into people getting shot or hurt."

"Please Callie. Like it wouldn't make your life easier. She would be off your ass and you'd have your mother back. Maybe she'd turn straight again." he laughed as I was feeling myself getting angry.

"Look none of that shit is funny! Stop talking like that!" I said getting ready to open the door as he reached over and pulled it closed.

"Ahh babe I'm sorry. I was only joking. Chill. I'm not going to jail for killing no dyke cop and I was kidding about your mom. Chill babe."

Looking to his face I rolled my eyes for I did not find anything funny about what he had said or joked about.

"Look lets not ruin the high. Sit back and relax. Chill babe." Hesitantly leaning back in his seat my stomach was still turning now probably from nerves and being hungry. But I would be lying if I said I felt comfortable for Aaron was creeping me out in some sense.

"In a few we gotta go to my uncles. Need to pickup some shit. Can't go back to my house. Probably crawling with cops and shit looking for you."

"Listen I'm not trying to get you in trouble. I can just..

"Nah. Look. I want you around. I like you Callie. I like you alot." Leaning in he kissed my mouth softly. "Just gotta be more careful is all. Might even skip town."

"To where?" I asked.

"I don't know. Mexico. We could go anywhere babe. Get married one day live the life with no parents no bullshit."

"Well I gotta finish school first." I said taking a sip of his vodka.

"For what? You're flunking out anyway." He laughed once again. "Besides with me you don't need to go. I'll take care of us. Fuck that school shit. Since when do you care about school though?"

"I don't. I'm just saying. In case I decided to go to go to college one day."

"Give me a break Callie. College is shit. Kids like us don't go to college."

"What kind of kids are we?" I asked growing irritated.

"Throw away kids." Looking to him again I felt my stomach turn again.

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