"We are the same Callie. My father didn't want me neither does yours. My mother didn't want me neither does yours. Kids like us have to stick together. Ya'll find out. All you got is me babe." As I glanced to him once again my stomach was burning by this time as I could feel tears form in my eyes for the first time in months.


"Mom. Mom." Opening my eyes slowly I could feel someone nudging my shoulder as I soon opened my eyes to see Jude standing over me as the only light was the one glowing from the TV.

"Yeah baby? What's the matter sweets?" I mumbled closing my eyes once again as I could feel an unknown weight on me.

"Mom, it's past 1am. You and Mariana fell asleep."

Now fully opening my eyes I looked down to see Mariana passed out on my chest as her arm was wrapped around me tightly. My other hand was gently resting on her back as I had no recollection of her even being on me. However I now remembered we had started a movie hours ago after she had gotten permission from her foster parents to stay over since she said they were out of town.

"Oh what time is it?" I asked feeling disoriented.

"Past 1. I woke up to pee and saw you two here."

"Thanks babe. We must have dozed off. Have you seen my phone sweets?"

"Yeah. In the kitchen. I think I heard it ring a few hours ago." He walked into the kitchen and handed it back to me.

"I'm heading back to bed. Night mom."

"Goodnight my baby." I mumbled still feeling out of it as I looked to my phone seeing I had a missed call from Lena from a few hours ago as I placed it back on the end table.

"Mariana love. Wake up sweets you can sleep in my bed I'll take the couch honey." I whispered to her as I felt her move around as I gently stroked her long hair.

"Sweets?" I whispered again as I felt her grip tighten around me. There were many nights we had watched movies in the last few weeks and it was typical for her to end up next to me. But this was the first time she had fallen asleep on me and so closely.

"Mom." she mumbled faintly and I was pretty sure she was dreaming or disoriented herself even if the term made me smile a bit.

"Wake up my love." Slowly I moved my body as she had gotten up herself looking confused as I turned on the lamp.

"Where am I?" she said shaking her head and rubbing her eyes.

"At my apartment honey. Come you can sleep in my bed I'll take the couch. OK?" I said as she still looked confused and nodding her head as I stood up and gently grabbed her hand. Walking her into my room she had no problem jumping in my bed as I pulled the covers over her.

"I love you Stef." she mumbled as she turned over snuffling into my pillow.

"I love you too sweetheart. I love you too." Softly I kissed her cheek and walked quietly out my bedroom closing the door. After checking on my son I sat back on the couch and dialed Lena's number. It was odd that I had only gotten one call from her in the last few hours but I knew it was her weekend with Callie and they needed this time more than anything. After letting it ring for a few moments her voicemail came on and I decided to call back in a few minutes. Still it was odd I had not gotten even gotten a text message from her as I now sent her a few messages. After waiting at least 15 minutes I still got no replay back and no phone call. Dialing her number again nothing. Deciding to try her house that just rang as well I was getting worried even more as I paced back and forth.

"Where in the hell are you Lena?" I asked myself as I called her yet again.

Growing increasingly concerned I decided to head over to her place for I had a bad feeling in my stomach as I slid on my shoes walking into the Jude's room once again.

"Love, I need to go check on Lena. Mariana is in my room ok?"

"Everything ok?" he mumbled.

"Yeah sweets. I'll be back in a few minutes. Ok love?"


"Get some sleep love." Kissing his forehead I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. Dialing Lena's number again and seeing she had not read any of my messages I was definitely worried. More then I would like to let on.

So what do you think happened to Lena after Callie ran away from the dinner?

There will be more Stef/Cal for eventually they may get close or they may not?

I know some of you aren't happy with Mariana being in the story but Stef will be helping her and she might be another reason for Stef and Callie growing closer possibly. I don't want to say to much but maybe Jude, Lena, Callie and Stef may become a family.

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