Chapter 41. Liberty of the Threat

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Legend and superstitions often tell stories of parallel worlds, an exact replica of our own. Elsa made a quick escape from the real world unto her on own parallel world, the Grand Mirror of Phoebe. She was injured as after Karen dropped her blood on the symbol the tree sends a telepathic message saying it is incomplete before bursting into rage. It is unfortunate for her as she was stab at her throat by the tree. It was a minor injury of course but it hinders her from speaking.

“I need to go to my room…” though not much of blood were lost Elsa felt weak. She ventures into the Mirror world that connects to her fabricated room where she hides herbs that might help her. When she reached for the door she was already having hallucinations. “Where… are those… freaking herbs?!” The more she speaks the more pain her neck is feeling. Finally she reach her cabinet where she was able to find the canister that contains the dried herbs leaves. She puts the leaves on a cup of tea and started to boil water. She was about check whether the water is ready but then she felt a presence inside her room. “Who’s there?” She surveys the room but no one seem to be inside aside from her. Shrug the thought off and started to mix the crushed dried leaves to the boiling water. She sip a small amount of the mixture and then she chants some language that is unrecognizable. Then the mixture instantly turned purplish. She took another sip and started to feel good.

“Is that better?” Akemi Fujiwara lunged her Naginata towards the healed neck of Elsa.

“I see. So you were able to overcome you worst memories.” Elsa took another sip trying to act calm.

“And we also saw some of yours.” Yumeko came from the window holding a photo album. She scan through the pages revealing pictures of Elsa and Selena.

“Don’t dare to touch that!” Elsa almost stands when the blade of Akemi touch her neck.

“What are you going to do?” Akemi pressed her spear at Elsa neck further wounding her.

“This!” Elsa’s eyes turned luminous and sends and force field that threw Akemi away.

“Nee-san!” Yumeko shouts for her sister. She produces fire using her ceremonial fan and look at Elsa. “I’m going to destroy your precious memories. But if you free us here you can have this one back.” Yumeko suggests.

“Haha you think you can control me with that? No!!!” Elsa focuses her force field towards Yumeko but instead of running Yumeko threw the album towards the incoming wave of force field.

“No no no!!!” The force field cease as Elsa starts to panic. Yumeko smiles as she used her magic to take back the album. When she look at Elsa she was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is she?” Yumeko looked around to look for her enemy. As she was about to turn her back a hand grab her by the face covering her mouth.

“In this world I play God remember?” Elsa was mocking Yumeko. “Now your sister is unconscious and maybe later I’ll trap the two of you here to a passage to underworld.” She began pulling Yumeko’s hair. She was enjoying herself. “What would Miss Selena say?” She continue to pull and twist Yumeko’s hair. She can feel Yumeko’s body shaking in pain. She looked at the mirror. “Look at you. You’re pathetic and dumb as usual!” She continue hurt her harder. Then once more she looked at the window. Her jaws dropped at what she saw. Akemi flungs end of her Naginata towards Elsa’s neck. Bang! Elsa fell to the floor.

“Now who’s dumb?” Akemi hits Elsa’s head one more time making sure she’ll pass out.

“Isn’t that too much?” Yumeko caress her ruined hair.

“God Yumeko! You need a Rebond!”

“Ate mahal! That’s too expensive!” Yumeko then smiled and her sister followed. Soon the burst into laughter but it was brief as the mirror world seem to be shattering. Then the Naginata envelopes them in the same manner and takes them away. They left the imaginary world of Elsa unaware of what had become of the woman they truly despise. When the light finally let them go they ended up inside a car. Then they noticed a compact Mirror with moon designs.

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