Chapter 13. Confrontation and Confession

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What happened in science class is something the entire section can never forget. It was one of the most intense scene every student in high school can't see everyday.

"Maam, are you really gonna choose that stinky insecticide over our Dalandan Lip Gloss!" Sophia stood up and look directly at the teacher.

"Sit down Ms.Flores!" said Mrs. Blanco.

"Hey Sophia chill." Miguel rose from his chair.

"No! I won't let this happen. You know that last year the school won in the Regional Competition because of me and my Ampalaya Ice Cream! You know I'm the best, don't you?" and she points her finger on Mrs. Blanco.

"Ms. Flores don't you raise that voice to me!"

"Who are you anyway? You're just new here and you were acting like a head teacher already! Do you even know what its like to be in an investigatory competition? No! You're a newbie!"

"Are you gauging my capabilities? Ms.Flores you are so insolent! You don't even know how important entries should be in the compettion! Do you think that the creation of Dalandan Lip Gloss would bear any germane to the problems in our town? in our country? If you want it so badly you could have look at the bigger picture!" Mrs. Blanco was now shouting. 

"Ok Sophia. This is your second offense this year go to the discipline office NOW!"

Karen is so scared at what's happening. Even Thea barely manage to to act normal during the following classes. Karen look around the class and she spotted Anna Maria and Suzzete smirking at her. At the back Inigo is looking outside the window appearing to be very bored. The scene earlier doesn't seem to bother him. At the left side of the room beside the window Gibo was sleeping as usual. This happens during periods before recess,


"Ok class you can have your recess now. See you tomorrow." Said Mr. Campo.

Karen is about to come to Thea's chair when Gibo and the Fujiwaras drag her along with them.

"Karen-Chan come with us!" Said Yumeko.

"Yes please. Gibo won't come with us if you're not coming. We have some Tiramisu here so please come with us." said Akemi.

"But what about Thea?"

"She's going to photocopy some notes. Didn't you hear her?" said Gibo. His face is serious now as if he's mentally saying something like 'trust her' in his head.

"Ok. But let's look for her later after eating." Karen said though she knows that something is not right.

"Fine. Don't worry about it." Said Gibo and they head straight into the canteen.


"So how are you Inigo?" As they descend from the stone stairs going to the xerox machine.

"I'm fine. How are you? That Sophia is harsh."

"She sure is. So how did you disappeared last night?"

"I just run as fast as I could. Those monsters were ferocious."

"Shh. Lets go there near the Balete tree so that no one can hear us."

"Ok captain." Inigo is smiling in a very flirty manner however Thea seem focus on getting near the Balete tree.

"I guess from here on I don't have to beat around the bush anymore." She pulled out a Johnsons Baby Powder Bottle and started to pour brownish powder around her and Inigo. She closed her eyes and suddenly the small particles from the bottle seem to dance off the air enveloping the two of them. Inigo look amazed at what he is seeing.

"That's so cool Thea except your container Johnsons eh?"

"Ok  Inigo what do you want from Karen? I know you're not human. Are you an Aswang?"

"Haha pretty sharp Miss Valedictorian." Inigo flashed his red eyes and showed his sharp elongated fangs. And his hands are now with sharps knife like claws.

Ok. I've been in a situation like this before. Thea thought to herself. Certainly she can manage,

"What do you want from Karen?"

"Well the Aswang Lord Joaquin asked me to join him in his quest to revive the very first Aswangs. <The Primordials>. I thought I can have a place as a general when that happens so I agreed on cooperating with them."

"Really? And what does all the children have to do with all this? And again why do you want Karen?"

"Hahaha. You're wasting your time with me. I'm not going to tell. Since I myself don't really know what Joaquin is up to." Inigo reverts into his normal appearance in an instance.

"Really? Do you really think I will let you near my friend after knowing all that? The first day I saw you I knew you're not normal. But I can't confirm if you're an Aswang or not but yesterday you suddenly disappear. There's no way a normal human being can run as fast as you do!.

"You were really thinking eh? Well I can't tell you exactly what I am but I'm not human. I told you earlier you were just wasting your time here with me."

"Oh really? Then I'll end your life here right now! Maiden's Tooth vanquish this evil!" the garlics from her pocket suddenly shoot out at Inigo the way it hits the giant dog but as it hits inigo's body it turned into ashes shocking Thea.

"Hahahah you really think you can beat me? You don't even know what I am!" Inigo hands turned monstrous like that of a gorilla and grabbed Thea squeezing her tightly. 

"Ugh. Let.... Let go of me!" said Thea. 

"Oh I thought you're gonna end my life here? Tsk lousy priestess." and he drops her on the ground.

"Ha.... What are you Inigo?"

"You don't have to know. I just have to stay here for a few months then I'll be gone. When the Primordials rise the likes of you will be annihilated first remember that." and then he walks away from Thea acting as if nothing happened.  

Thea stood up and did the same however she becomes scared of Inigo that she decided to walk far behind him back into the class room

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