Chapter 7. Night at the Boulevard

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After finishing their classes at 4pm. They decided to head at The Municipal Library for some research. Inigo Insisted that he should come along to catch up with some lessons.  They ride a tricycle to get there faster, library's closing time is 6pm.

Thea loves going to the library. Most of the time it was only her and a couple of college students visits there. The Librarian, Miss Elsa was very kind. And because of her the library can stay open up to 6pm. She's very brave to think that she manages the library alone.

"Hello Miss Elsa! Can we use the 2nd floor section in the left to do our research?"

"Of course Thea. Oh! It seem to me that you brought a new friend."

"Oh Miss this is Inigo Sebastian Santiago. He's a new student ."

"I see. Ok you only got 1 and a half hour to do your research. I'll you when the time is up."

Thank you Miss Elsa!" Said Gibo and Thea.

As they were doing some research Karen asked Thea to accompany her in the literature section. In the mean time Gibo and Inigo stayed at the circulation area.

"As if! Naku. If I know Gilbert is just looking for some Manga."

"The fruit?"

"Karen? You don't know a Manga? Its a comic book in Japan!"

"Ah Anime."

 "Ok. I don't wanna explain because if I do I'll just sound like Gibo. Ew haha."

"Haha. Hm Thea I miss my brother, where could the kidnapper possibly hide him?"

"I don't know. But if its part of a syndicate group they said they just extract some important organs from the child's body and then dump them. That's very gruesome."

"You don't think my brother is dead by now, do you?"

"Hm. I'm thinking positively. If only we can do something about. Were just kids after all."

"You're right my mom and dad are still very worried. My dad's been absent from his work for three consecutive days."

"You can't blame them. It is as if a part of them were taken away from them. Its normal. I just hope your dad's boss can understand."

"I hope so too."

After almost 2 hours Miss Elsa called them.

"I'm sorry kids I lost track of time it is already 6:30pm. This is a problem. Due to the security alert vehicles rarely takes this route by this time."

"That's ok I just live in Dalig, the nearest brgy from here." Said Karen

"Uhm Miss our Uncle has a tricycle so we'll accompany her back to their house." Thea interrupts Miss Elsa.

"I'm from Dalig too. Maybe I can accompany you Karen" Inigo butts in.

"That's great! So its the four of us like Fantastic Four!" It seem only Gibo is excited about this dilemma.

"Ok Kids I think you can manage to walk back there. See you next time."

"Shocks. No wonder kidnapping is very frequent in our town. Our lights are very dim."

"You're right Thea but Chris was kidnapped around the afternoon."

"Guys can't you hear something?"

"Gibo, stop joking its not funny! I'll telll mom you're getting insane!"

"I'll tell mom your face. You're always nagging like all the time and....ahhhh!.... what's that!"

"Gibo at your back! There is a giant dog!"

But Karen's shout is too late. It turns out that the giant dog can walk in two feet and jump 10ft high. The monster carried Gibo with him. Karen can see Gibo struggling, even biting the monster but it's no use.

"God! Inigo take Karen with you! Inigo? Inigo? Where's Inigo?"

"I don't know! He's just there last minute and then he was gone!"

After finishing her sentence Karen saw a giant bat hovering over them. It perched at a lamp post and look from her to Thea. Not long before it lurch to Thea and carried her away just like what the giant dog did with Gibo.

"I'm on my own. I have to run."

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