Chapter 39. The Prophecy of Shadows and Luminosities

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Thousands of spider webs were scattered all over the imperial temple. A series of explosion and clashing of metals were heard all over the place. Akemi Fujiwara continues her assault over the spider-demon as her sister, Yumeko Fujiwara supports her with her spells.

“Yumeko continue the kagura I need you to weaken its defences.” Akemi chases the spider as it tries to flee. In response to her elder sister’s request Yumeko created a whirlwind of Sakura petals that explodes when it comes to contact to any vile creature.

“There Nee-san, go for it!” Yumeko finally ended her dance. Her sister dash forward and jumps at a miraculous heights to reach the spider who clings to the ceiling trying to avoid the attacks from the twins.

“Ame-no-Koyane grants me thy powers!” Akemi lets her spear free towards the enemy. It spins itself in a very fast and intensive speed making it look like a small tornado. As it hits the back of the spider’s belly the monster burst.

“We did it!” Yumeko jumps with joy. She quickly hugs her sister who still feel uneasy.

“Something’s not right.” Akemi surveys the room for something suspicious. From the corner of her eyes smaller versions of the monster appeared. Their sizes ranges from the size of a kitten to that of a regular dog.

“Sister… it multiplies into these?”

“Wrong Yumeko. These are her babies.” Akemi quickly dispatches the nearest ones as she know that even with their size these creatures are still capable of harm.

“We need to kill them quick.” This time Yumeko can fight the monsters with her fan. She quickly slashes a couple of the monster that were about to tackle her. Akemi did the same. After fighting at least a hundred of those animals the imperial temple is finally free from the yokai. Soon their surroundings changes.

“What now?” Akemi wondered. They were in a school but no one seem to notice them. Yumeko noticed that too and so she took the opportunity to look around.

“Sister, this one doesn’t appear to be one of our memories.” She said. Judging by the looks of the school it wasn’t anything near public schools. The architecture reminded them of Christian churches. Specifically Catholics.

“Look at that angel! This is St. Raphael!” Akemi exclaimed. Before they went into high school they were enrolled at this private school for a year.

“I think so. But this building… isn’t it different?” Yumeko wondered. Then a thought came up in her mind. “Nee-san! This is the school before it got burned down 10 years ago! You remember the presentation during the foundation day? This building is the one shown there!”

“So you think we’ve travelled back in time?” Akemi tries to put together the pieces to make sense. First was the memory back in japan, then this one. Time travel seem plausible but something is wrong. The fact that the people around are oblivious to the fact that they were there. The kimono they wear is enough to gather much attention. “Yumeko I’ll try talking to them.” Akemi approach one of the students there. She was shocked when the student pass through her. She covered her mouth as if she’s trying to stop herself from screaming. Yumeko noticed her and approach the same kid but she ended up doing what her sister had avoided.

“Noperabo!” Yumeko covered her face and started to cry. Akemi came to her side.

“I don’t think they’re Noperabos.” Akemi scans the entire populace and all them appear to have no face at all. Akemi knew the aura of a Noperabo will register to them but the creatures were blank if not the aura’s were more human.

“Then what are they?” Yumeko seems scared. After all a Noperabo is an omen of death. Akemi is about to reply when something caught their attention.

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