Chapter 23. Shinto Masked Figures

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Inside the church Miguel is waiting for Thea to arrive. She’s not late but he prefers to have time with her earlier. He looks at the entrance. Thank God. They’re here. Thea is wearing a white dress with a silver ribbon at the neckline. Gibo wears a green V-neck sweat shirt with black pants and with them Karen. She is in her usual get up: blue skinny jean and a pink off shoulder with a text saying ‘Never Give Up’.

“Hello Thea. Gibo and Karen thanks for accompanying her.”

“Am I late? I think the mass will start in 10 minutes.” Miguel noticed she wore her dream catcher necklace but tries not to stare too much on it. He might end up looking at something else.

“No you’re just in time. Have a seat.” Thea noticed Miguel’s outfit: a checkered white and grey polo shirt and a simple jeans. He smells so good that she can’t help but lean on his shoulder just so she can smell it more. A good fragrance can make her weak.

As the mass started the group remained silent for the gospel reading and the priest’s homily. During the worship song ‘Our Father’ they all hold hands. Miguel is focus on his prayer but in his prayer he does include the one he love to remain his forever. Thea doesn’t usually like going to church since they were raised to hate practices of the Spanish colonist but it feels so good to spend time with Miguel.

After the mass they all went home early because of Karen. Mang Kado personally fetch them to ensure their safety.

“Goodbye Miguel. Thanks for inviting me here.” As she was about to go in the tricycle he grabs her hands which surprises the lass. “Uhm?” unsure what to say he ended up saying “See you tomorrow.” Instead of ‘I love you’. Thea smiles and walks away to ride the tricycle.

“Man, why can’t I say that again in person?” he decided to walk home since his house is near the church. When he passed by a tree he thought he saw someone but instead a black cat just stood there looking at him.

“Oh bad luck! Better go home early.” And he continued his walk till he reached their house. The black cat then transform into a young man.

“I think I should try going to that place sometimes. I wonder if it can really burn someone like me?” he was about to enter the gates of the church when someone tapped his shoulder.

“Inigo. You are indeed a very strong subordinate. Can we resume our deal?” Joaquin smiles at him. That bastard. As much as he wants to crush this man’s skull he cannot do so. First they are in a public place and second he was holding his friends hostage.

“What do you want?” irritated he just ask the question without looking unto Joaquin’s face.

“Well I think I saw you working with some threats. I need you to spy on them and bring that Halfling girl. Her blood is essential for reviving the primordials!”

“Well” imitating Joaquin. “I can’t promise you that but when I do it you’ll just know it. I consider your offer but from now on I’m not gonna follow your orders anymore.” Joaquin hissed after hearing this. But he noticed the passer-by’s getting curious about them. Quickly he runs towards a dark alley and vanished.

“Oh? Big boss is pissed.” He smiles as he walks away from the church.


Monday. As usual everyone’s excited to see each other. Surprisingly Sophia seem to treat them nicer. She now hangs out with Anna Marie and Suzette but she doesn’t have her meanness today.

“Hey Karen. Text me next Saturday so that I can visit you ‘kay? Here my digits.” Thea raised her eye brows after seeing this. Karen can’t help but laugh.

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