Chapter 31. Force Contract

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Chapter 31. Force Contract.

Room was dark and damp. Stench from rotten corpse envelopes the environs of the place. Insect crawling underneath stones and brick holes. In the middle of this so called room is Karen and Chris. Even though she’s a lot taller than her brother she was astounded by the voice of a very ancient creature coming out of her brother’s small mouth.

“You’re not… you’re not Chris…” Karen wanted to scream as the little boy that resembles her brother came closer. He had this very weird smile and distorted face. His eyes blood shot.

“Hahaha. Sister, why are you suddenly scared of me now?” dark aura seem to emanate from his body. Then his nails grew sharp. “I wonder if sister’s blood would taste good?” then his tongue grew into an incredible length licking the sharp nails. Karen was taken aback by his statement. She quickly produces a sword from her hand.

“Chris! Snap out of it!” She change into her defensive gesture. Her brother’s expression changed into his former innocent self. Still Karen grip her sword tightly. An instinct tells her not to be fooled.

“Tsk. So it was ineffective after all. I’m gonna kill you right here!” little Chris leaped into the air ready to sink his claws into Karen. Instead of evading the attacking Karen faces off with her brother head on. The metal like claws clashing into each other making thunderous sounds all over the isolated room. Indeed Chris was faster than Karen. All she was able to do so far is dodging his attacks.

“Ah!” Karen screamed in pain as Christopher was able to slash her back horizontally. Karen tried to maintain her pace but the pain from her wound is getting on her way. She wish Thea or Gibo was there with her. But such wishful thinking won’t do her any good. As she tries to gather the strength to counter Christopher lightning fast claws something hits the on button of her mind.

“Babaylan’s are also healers.” She muttered as she swings her sword towards the incoming claws of Chris. She willed her diwa to concentrate at her back. Slowly her injured parts began to burn up. Then felt every broken tissues mending themselves.

“Quite a healer are we?” noticing the improvements of his sister’s damaged body Chris smiles gleefully like he was watching something exciting. This facial expressions bothered Karen as she had never seen her younger brother distorts his face in so many ways. She splintered towards her brother but he avoided her attack. For a moment Christopher seem to vanish from her sight. Then she heard something moving above her. When she looked up it was Chris crawling at the sealing. His mouth wide open with shark like dozens of teeth. He takes off trying to land on his sister’s head but being agile took the opportunity to strike. She summons and sent multiple swords to Chris trapping him on a wall.

“Ok let’s see. I’ll purify you.” Karen pressed her hands on the chest of the struggling little boy who makes loud dog-like roar.

“Even if you do that it’s too late. I’ve already take root inside him! Hahah if you want me out you can just kill me!” But Karen wasn’t listening to him. Instead she focuses her mind into control her diwa to flow inside Chris’s body. There seem to be a wall blocking her diwa but she was able to expel the dark aura. Her little brother stopped trying to break free from her swords. He opened his eyes looking like the normal Chris before.

“Sister... someone’s inside me…”

“No Chris I have expelled him from your body.” Karen was confident. Then Chris eyes glow red.

“Sister… he is still inside. But he’s weak. Soon he’ll take over my body again. Help me sister… please…” his voice is getting weaker and weaker. His body seem to be limping. Karen noticed how much his younger brotrher’s body was forced to do thing no kids his age can do.

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