Chapter 1. The Plague.

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Its been 1 week since the entire town was put under maximum security alert. Children were missing one after another. Just yesterday Karen's little brother Christopher was missing. Her family is panicking calling the police and the brgy. Tanod almost every hour for updates. Karen is feeling uneasy about the situation.

Today, Saturday, she was suppose to meet up with Thea and Gilbert for their science project. However it seem impossible for them to meet each other since the parent became very anxious about their children's safety.

"Ugh! This is so unfair! I need to go to Teyang's house mom!" Karen shouted.

"Can't you see Karen that the situation in our town is getting worse? Even your brother got kidnapped and all you ever think about was meeting up with your friends?" her mom replied angrily.

Damn that kidnapper. if only Karen can erase the existence of that person she would. but there's absolutely nothing she can do about it. She texted both Teyang and Gibo that she couldn't come by. Surprisingly the two decided to have a sleep over her house tomorrow to finish their project. Her mom agreed. 

"Mom? Do you think we can still see Chris Again?" Karen said while exhaling her breathe.

"Of course! we have to see him again. He's just 7 years old. I just hope that God be kind to him and let him live together with the other children until we find him." her mom said but Karen can notice the despair in her mom's face.


7pm. Time to go to sleep. Karen went up to her room. She can see all her stuff there in the right places. It not like this before. Before Christopher got kidnapped. She would always be angry at her younger brother for tearing her stuffed toys and scattering her coloring materials. He would even tear pages of her favorite magazines. but today. The commotion seem to leave no trace at all. He was just playing in their garden before Karen went to school but when she returned he was missing.

Missing her brother is all she can think about. She tries to hide her feelings for she thought acting cool will help her frantic parents. Her dad's been away for straight 48hours looking for her brother but every time he texted them its just the usual. The Police still can't find Chris.

She was about to sleep when she noticed that a black cat was staring at her. She stares back trying to scare off the animal. To her surprise the black cat suddenly turn into a young man and disappear quickly.

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