Chapter 9. The Priestess and The Tattooed Warrior

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Karen can't believe what she is seeing. Her bestfriend. Thea. Teyang. The Valedictorian. She's standing in front of her as if everything's normal. In her hands she's holding a bunch of dissected garlics and each one glows one after the other striking the giant dog one by one. Every time the dog is hit it's body shrinks and black smokes seem to escape from it's body.

"That will serve you right!" Thea said as she continues her incantation.

Thea being a petite girl. Her pink hair in a short bob adds more fragility in her features. And yet with just some bits of garlic the giant dog is at her mercy.

Kwak! Kwak! Kwak! The bat is moving again though it is still weak. Her wings or her back might be its Achilles heel.

"You think a novice priestess like you can defeat us?!" Furiously the bat holds her chest and opened her eyes. What seem to look like a black pearl eye before became just pure white.

Then came a very long wailing that throws almost everything away. Even Karen. But Thea is standing still. her dream catcher necklace seem to be emanating a light that protects her body.

"Impossible! How can you withstand my powers?"

"It's very wrong to call me a novice priestess. I've been practicing since I'm 7 years old and that is not easy. You judgemental ugly witch!"

The tide of the battle turn as Thea seem to be superior over the bat monster. But Karen quickly noticed something. The giant dog stood up and produces saber-tooth from its two fangs. It is aiming for Thea. Thea doesn't seem to feel its sinister presence. It jumps up ready to  slice Thea's head off. Karen seem to have lost her voice. She can't warn her friend of the impending danger. As it closes in to her a fast shadow blocked it's attack. Gibo.

Gilbert is shirtless. The dog's saber tooth was already plunged at his back. But Gilbert doesn't seem to be in pain. Along his chest are black markings. Some are glowing in red, some in blue, some in yellow and some in light white.

"You've just eaten my livers earlier, that's rude." Gibo said as he pull its head from his back. The moment his back was release the marks with the white glow seem to vanish and his wounds quickly heals. Faster than 30 secs.

"What are you? You were dead! I was sure I left you there dying!"

"Sorry pal, I guess I just don't know how to die." Gibo smiles mockingly at the dog. His tall composure, Tan skin and Chinito eyes are still there but his body appears to be more muscular. This is the first time Karen remembered how Gilbert was the heartthrob in elementary .

"Waka, let's run we can't defeat these kids!"

"Easy for you to say Balroque! I can't fly anymore! It takes five days to heal my injury!"

"Well then time to finish you two off!"

"Thea, I thought you can get rid of the flying one? It's annoying!"

"Hai naku! Don't worry! I'll finish them now!"

"Hurry! before someone pass by here!"

"Lost Goddess of the Sky. Unmarried One. Lend me your powers to conquer these evils!"As Thea uttered the last word her body glows intensely and from her necklace the dream catcher suddenly grows large enough and suck the two monsters. The bat immediately got into its and exploded leaving nothing but ashes. In the meantime the dog's body suddenly rips apart but a small puppy comes out of it and run off.

"Oh shocks! Gibo the other one escaped!"

""What happened to finishing those "two" off?"

"Guys, I don't understand? What are you two?"

The two look at each other seemingly unsure what to say next.

Character at the left side is Thea.

Character DEsign by Ms. Tsukiko Akane

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