Chapter 40. Demise and Dismay

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The mansion barely stand as most of its part were destroyed by the battle. Thea lies unconscious as Sophia tries to hide her from any approaching danger. She seem irritated and scared by the fact the sound of a huge flying animal dominates the silence of the night.

“Hai shemai. Thea, I know you’re fast asleep and losing your uncle must feel terrible for you but am I the only one thinking this is just a scary dream?” Sophia stopped. She was thinking that maybe she was just losing her mind. Then something alerted her. Footsteps nearing her. She readies her grimoire just in case danger meets them.

“Sophia? Thea? Where are you?” She recognized that voice.

“Miguel? Is that you?” She surveys the shadow and saw the shadows of a man holding a little kid.

“Yes it’s me. How’s Thea?” Miguel finds his girlfriend sleeping at Sophia’s side.

“She’s still unconscious. Who knows how much power she had used to summon those meteors?” Sophia hate to admit that the powers Thea had demonstrated were really brilliant. Even with the grimoire she won’t be able to summon celestial objects.

“I see. Let’s get out of here. We must bring Chris and Thea to a safe place.” Miguel ask Sophia to take care of Chris as he carries Thea. They began walking leaving the ruined mansion. As they continue to trek towards the villa’s back gate two figures approach them. Miguel readies his Kampilan.

“Wait.” Sophia recognized the two.

“Christopher!” Angelo shouts as he run towards his son. “What happened to you?” Angelo then notice something’s off with Chris. He seems normal but Angelo felt something new with Chris. Something he can’t confirm.

“I’m ok now. A monster possessed my body. Sister came to save me and she’s saving the other children now.” Chris worries about his big sister. He knows how horrible those monsters can be.

“I see. I should follow her inside. She must be in danger.”

“Sir, I think Karen can handle herself. She’s the one who defeated a C… I mean a monster.” He almost said Chris but then it would be traumatic for the kid to remember being possessed by a monster.

“Still I need to follow her.” Angelo objects. Esperanza hugs her daughter.

“Sophia. Good thing you’re still alive. We Isabel with us now. Everything’s gonna be okay.” She says as she almost cry. Sophia wants to cry to but she can’t.

“Well good eh… I mean I no longer have enough mana to use magic anymore.” She wonders why she can’t show her emotions even to her mother.

“Very well you should go back to Cardona now and the two of us will rescue Karen.” Angelo signals Esperanza that they should go. Esperanza bids her daughter goodbye. Before letting the children go they’ve instructed them were to find Megumi. They were just surveying the surroundings when suddenly huge projectiles almost hit them.

“Oh crap! Esperanza what are these?” Angelo cannot paint in his face the horror upon seeing dozens of humongous feathers as sharp as a knife plunged into the ground.

“Shh. Look above.” Esperanza had her eyes lock on what’s happening up in the night sky. Two figures one is a man and one is winged giant with three tails.

“Anak ng? What on earth is that?!” Angelo cannot believe his eyes upon the sight of the gigantic creature.

“Angelo I think we cannot enter the mansion right now. We might get killed by those feathers.” Esperanza is hoping to sway Angelo. After all they had just recovered their lost children. As for Karen she thinks the girl can defend herself.

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