Chapter 33. An Overpowering Nemesis

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The ground shakes as the monster approaches Akemi. She needs to think fast. All her spiritual energies were focused on her Naginata, opting offensive power over defensive ones. She darted toward her left side trying get away as fast as she could from the monster. By performing such feats she can lure the monster away from her twin.

“Grr…. You can’t escape! Revenge! Revenge!” The boar-like aswang spoke for the first time. It’s just a matter of minutes before the monstrous beast can catch up with her. She threw her paper charms at her opponent. It seem to sting him a bit for he stopped for some time to examine the injuries. The paper charm was able to burn his right shoulders. Like the priestess weapons and attack from Thea, it doesn’t heal as quickly as the monster had expected.

“This is my chance. Ame-no-Koyane! Grant me the power to slay the impure!” The Naginate illuminates as if the entire weapon is enveloped in a shower of light. Akemi charges for the boar. She leap through the air ready to hurl her weapon towards the enemy. Sensing her above, the monster lift a huge builder from the ground and threw it at her. Not wanting to get hit, Akemi directed her spear at the builder breaking it into pieces.

“Argh!” The monster screamed and started to get pissed. He had gone berserk destroying the plants and ornaments in the old villa. It grabbed a statue and flung it towards Akemi. She quickly move to avoid the attack. As it was getting closer to her she decided to smash the statue in pieces. She was successful in doing the task but a large chunk of stone landed at her left foot. She gritted her teeth trying to avoid screaming.

“You can’t escape. I’ll have my vengeance upon all of you.” The blood shot eyes shines like laser. Black smokes envelope his body. Akemi’s pace now slowed down as she tries to run away from the boar-like creature. The monster rotates around her as if encasing her to launch an attack.

“I can’t use my legs. This will do for a while.” Akemi paused. She chanted a prayer and raise her right hand near her mouth. She make what looks like a peace hands signal except it wasn’t facing anyone instead the two figures seem to merge making an impression that it is a single one. Curious the boar-aswang decided to strike. The moment it neared Akemi an invisible force block it. “This Kekkai won’t last.” Murmured Akemi. Two more strikes from the boar and the barrier seem getting weaker and weaker. By the third time it has completely vanish. She felt hope slipping away as she loses the will to fight an overwhelming opponent. She closed her eyes ready to welcome death. She has no regrets. She did everything for her family. And for Akemi Fujiwara it has always been enough.


The unlikely duo travels further into the villa reaching the mansion’s other entrance. They heard the Gibo and the twins dealing with some enemies but they decided to leave that task to them. After all they were assigned in different tasks. They can only hope that the group will survive their current predicament.

“Thea, you think they can handle it on their own?” inquired Sophia.

“The twins are excellent warriors and Gibo… let’s just say he’s stronger than anyone in our group.”

Sophia was baffled by that statement but didn’t bother to ask anymore question. Besides, a major antagonist appeared before them at the entrance.

“Well, well, well. Look what we have here?” It was Selena. This time she seem to be wearing a black leather body fitting suit. She look like someone from sci-fi films.

“Get out of our way.” Thea boldly answered. Sophia is still afraid of Selena after their encounter. But then she thought it was her first encounter anyway. She moved in front of Thea and faced Selena.

“What’s it amateur witch?” Selena look her in the eye trying to intimidate her. Sophia almost tremble but then it was the opportunity she was waiting for.

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