Author's Note #2

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Hello readers. Here we are again. I'm happy to tell you that we still have  16 chapters left before our story reaches the climax and it's conclusion.

I might not be able to update next week because of my work though I might try to add even the odds are in my favor.

While writing this story I started to realize how big our imaginations can be and also I have learned the limits of a writer. We can't just write everything perfectly. Errors are bound to occur. However the most important thing I have learned in writing stories is to deliver the plot first. Once you're done trying to say what you want you can clarify these thoughts by editing them.

I would like to thank those people who give time to read this very amateur work. Thanks to Ms. Colleene, Ms. Aira and Ms Tsukiko for keeping updated with the story and for giving honest feedbacks.

Ang Daldal :P 

I hope you readers will be there until the end of this story.


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