Chapter 28. Halloween Party

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Everyone was shocked after hearing Megumi’s revelation. Some even went into hysteria. Sophia for example.

“What? Are you saying there’s no way we can rescue my sister?” she rise from her chair looking flustered.

“Sophia calm down. There must be another way.” Gilbert came to her side and brush her shoulders to calm her down.

“The enemy is pretty powerful. She blocked Misako’s telepathy.” Akemi was bothered by this new information.

“Argh! This is frustrating!” Karen breakdown into tears again.

“Hey, I know this sucks buts sulking in a corner won’t help you Karen.” Inigo tried to comfort her but she just crouched at the sofa and used her arms to cover her and her knees to cover the rest of her body.

 “Wait guys. I know this is a serious situation but I think we should take a break. Tomorrow we don’t have classes because of the Halloween party. Let us take our minds off that rescue mission for just a day and then we continue our search for your sibling.” Thea wasn’t sure if her words will do any good at the current situation but she must try

“Thea’s right. Besides we are at a dead end right now. Who knows? We might pick up a lead the next day so let us just take a break. We’re all getting tired of this rescue mission.” Gibo supported Thea’s idea and everyone seem to agree except Karen and Sophia.

“I’m not in a party mood.” Sophia declared her protest.

“How can I enjoy myself knowing my brother’s in danger?” Karen’s eyes were turning reddish after crying.

“Karen and Sophia. Do you think if we scout the town tonight we’re going to find something useful?” Thea was serious.

“Excuse me, may I remind you that the enemy is good at blocking information. Besides your recent activity might have alerted them already so they’re going to be extra careful this time.” Mang Kado tried to interfere.

“It appears I don’t have any choice then. Gibo you’ll have to fetch me tomorrow 6pm.” Sophia cleared her throat. Her head looking up avoiding the twins who were madly staring at her.

“Oh? Thea where is the remote? It’s already 4pm I need to watch Shippuden.” Thea tried to supress the urge to laugh.

“See Karen? Don’t worry I’ll fetch you tomorrow.” Karen awkwardly raised her head to see him. But then she saw everyone staring at her and so she burries her head back and replied.

“If you say so…”

Everyone laugh and tease her as she acts like a little kid. All of them went home after that meeting. Gilbert was thinking of what to wear for tomorrow. He looked at his closet and can’t find any costume. He then looked at his copies of K-Zone magazine.

“Aha! Hehehe I’ll be Zoro from One Piece!” he tried his body fit white t-shirt and black pants. Then he took a black scarf from the cabinet and made it into a bandana.

“Now all that’s missing is a sword!” he was trying different poses in their mirror.

“Ew, what kind of stupidity is that?” she asked.

“Stupidity ka dyan! Why? Do you have a costume already?”

“Ay naku! Wait, oh my, oh my, oh my.” She started to panic as Gibo laugh at her.


Meanwhile in the apartment of the Fujiwara’s the twins had readied their costumes. Both of them decided to wear a maid outfit complete with cosplay hairbands. Akemi having cat’s ear and Yumeko the bunny ears.

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