Chapter 7: Falling Into The Universe

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 Destiny's POV

When we finished eating, Minecon was over; for about an hour now. Gosh, I really didn't like Minecon; the things were so overpriced, and it annoyed me that kids beg their parents to buy all this shit.

If only kids didn't take their parents for granted...

"Destiny?" Jason grabbed me around the waist, and pulled me towards him so that my back was against his chest.

"Was Minecon fun?" Jason asked, holding up a signed diamond pickaxe, just by him. His sloppy handwriting filled the whole axe. I smiled and reached out for it, but at the last moment possible, Jason put it over his head. God...
I jumped, but I was too short... Jason chuckled and kissed my cheek softly before he gave it to me. I whimpered softly.

"Let’s go." Jason intertwined my fingers with his and pulled me back to the group.

"Wait." I whispered and pulled back. Jason turned around, confused. "Thank you."

Jason chuckled and gave me a tight hug. I relaxed against him; we could never be... I'm leaving soon and he'll just go back to being a Youtuber.

Later that day, Adam and Jerome met us at the entrance of Disneyland.

"So, where do you guys want to go first?" Adam asked.
"I need to go to the Buzz Light Year Astro Blasters ride, please!" I begged.

"I hate that ride." Mitch muttered. I fell silent and looked at the ground; and wondering if it was a smart choice to wear ankle heeled boots to Disneyland.

Uh, maybe we could go our separate ways for around 2 hours; and meet back here then go together from there?" Nicole suggested, seeing my sadness.

I smiled at her and nodded. Everyone seemed to agree, so we all went different directions. I pulled Jason to the ride, like a little kid. I really enjoyed the darkness of everything and how we got to shoot stuff.

When we walked out of the ride, Jason looked down at me. I couldn't help but smile at those blue eyes...

"You never really spoke of your family." Jason laced our fingers together and pulled me to D-Street, the shop that sells all sorts of Disney stuff.

I blinked, trying to keep the tears in. "That's because you already know my family.

His gaze held mine, but I knew he was still confused, so I continued.

"My mom... Sh-she... She abused me..." I sighed. "But I still remember that day; I was at my friends house right after school... And... Someone called my friends mom, telling her... Mom... She... Drank herself to death..."

Jason wiped away the tears I didn't know were falling. "You don't have to continue."

"My friend, she... She kicked me out. She didn't want a depressed friend. And even though I hated my mom, I loved her... And I wouldn't trade her for anyone else. I fell into deep depression. My dad... He... He loved flying." I smiled.

"I was studying to become a pilot... Although I was only 13, I couldn't help but fall in love with the sky... What you could see... You were free in the sky; I knew why my dad chose this type of job... But one day, while I was home, alone... Someone gave me a phone call telling me he had died... I lost my parents... 1 year apart from each other... Exactly 1 year... My relatives? You might say. They didn't want me... So, I packed up my life and moved out of that death house and lived on the streets for a few weeks? Months? It was the day I was going to end it all, was when Nicole found me... Broken and in deep depression. And I think don't I could thank her enough."

Jason looked at me in disbelief. "I don't know how hard that must be for you."

"It's not..." I whispered. I'm lying through my own teeth right now. I picked up a big looking sweatshirt and smiled. There was 1 of Mickey and 1 of Minnie.

"We should get them." Jason smiled.

Jason grabbed a few other things; the Stitch doll, piglet doll, and other things, but getting double of each.

"Rich people..." I rolled my eyes and paid for it without him noticing. "Lets go, kiddo!"

Jason frowned at the bag in my hands. "Let me..."

"No!" I growled.

Jason and I met the others at the entrance, as we said. Mitch had suggested we go eat, which no one was surprised to hear.
By the end of the day, we were all tired and wanted to just go home. But Jason and I wouldn't leave without taking a picture in front of the magical castle.

We grabbed our iPhone's out and took turns taking a picture, making a weird and silly face.
I turned to look at him.

"Well, now that I'm a fan, does that mean I'm your star?" I whispered softly.
"No," Jason said and I frowned. "You're my universe." he then said.

The world behind me was all just a blur. The fireworks, my friends, all of it. But could I really trust some guy that I just met? I guess we'll find out...

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