Chapter 19: Murdered, Missing, Losing...

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Adam’s POV

I slowly closed my phone and set it down on the table...feeling shattered, broken, and lost. It was all I felt at the moment when the phone cut. The buzzing was still ringing in my head and I could almost remember the voices as they told me Dawn was gone. Her body was was almost like losing her for a second time...

"What happened?" Nicole asked.

I shook my head at him. I wanted to keep this a secret until I found the truth about what had happened to her. Maybe when I get home, I'll go back to look at her video.
"Jason just called." Ty held his phone up, shaking it a bit. "He's coming back to LA today."

"What about Destiny?" Nicole asked.

"She's staying in Montreal..." Ty whispered. Nicole bit her lip and took her phone out of her pocket.

I chewed on the straw I've been keeping in my mouth and stared straight into nothing. Memories and images flashed into my brain as if on command. Dawn. She was all I saw. Was breaking up with her a mistake? She fell into depression because of me, she lost her life because of me. Was this my fault?

I snapped back into reality when Ty's fingers snapped in front of my face. They have all got up from their seats and was nearly out the door. I hurried out as well, catching up with them. We climbed into the car and drove home. The ride was long and boring since we all didn't want to talk.

 Once Ty stopped the car, I unlocked the passenger door and unlocked the front door. I quickly ran up the stairs and logged onto my computer. I typed the video name into the search bar and pressed the video, looking for any clues of why Dawn was murdered. And now, why her body has gone missing? I watched over and over again, but it never got to me. I slammed my hands on the table and placed my face in my hands. Nicole, Jerome, and Ty all saw my frustration and decided to help. They grabbed a laptop and watched carefully as well.

Then, I saw it. The shine it have off and I'm so surprised that I didn't see it earlier... When Dawn accidentally reached up to wipe her tears away, the ring on her finger showed itself. God, I'm so stupid! I didn't give her that ring... Has she gotten married after our breakup...? But how could that be possible??? We broke up just a year and a half ago...why would she...?

I showed the others and they immediately began naming names that we could think of. It was mainly me supplying names since the rest of them didn't know much about Dawn.

"I have no idea, if I had a hint I could call my private investigator but there’s no beginning." Jerome frowned.

"She was so depressed when she and you broke up. What makes her want to date someone else?" Nicole asked, she looked exhausted and restless...oh my god...Mitch is not back yet... I was about to say something when Ty responded to Nicole's question.

"Depression can easily lead to force love by the heart." Ty frowned, looking down at Jerome and Nicole.

 Jerome and Nicole were sitting on the floor, leaning against my bed and Ty was laying on my bed. My mind flashed back to when Ty and I were 19 and when he broke up with his first girlfriend and went into a huge depression. Then he tried to force his depression away by dating another girl and sometimes even drinking. I tried to stop him but he didn't listen and then he hurt the girl really badly...the girl changed completely before she moved to Europe. Ty never forgave himself for what he did to that girl...he still hates himself to this day...

 My mind went back to the current situation as a sharp pain cut through my heart...why couldn't I just have loved Dawn...?! None of this would have happened...Dawn's gone now...I can never get her back...

I back down at the list. My fingers have been writing as I was thinking... They wrote…

S... E... A...N...

Sean? Who's Sean?

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