Chapter 2: Wishing On A Star

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Destiny's POV

I looked down at my cup of hot chocolate; taking the last few sips before I board the plane to Florida.

My close friend, Nicole Evergreen and I were planning on going away for summer break before college. Nicole has been talking about going to Disneyland in, I don't know, forever?! And finally being 18, we thought it would be a nice get away from the cold storms in Canada.

"30 minutes until the Air Canada plane to Florida will be taking flight." The PA system went off.

My eyes flicked from my cup of hot chocolate to the boarding schedule. At the moment, it was 3:34pm.

'Where on earth is Nicole?!' I yelled at myself.

She's went to the bathroom for a good hour now.

"Ah!" Someone yelled behind me.
"Look who decided to 'slide' in." I folded my arms across my chest and gave her one of my favorite stares.

"I'm sorry. Come on, lets get in line." Nicole grabbed her luggage and literally dragged me there; through the huge crowd.

"Passports and tickets please." The lady said, checking us in. That line took so long, you have no idea.

"I'm so excited!" Nicole squealed as we boarded the plane.

I rolled my eyes and looked for our seat.

"Wait, I'm not blind, am I?" I adjusted my glasses, and looked back at my ticket.

People were already sitting at our seats.

"Um, Miss, people are already seated at our seats." I told the flight attendant.

"Let me just go check for you." She grabbed my ticket and went to speak to the people.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, you girls will be flying first class then."

I glanced back at Nicole, but she seemed to be too happy to give a damn about what I'm saying.

"Here you are, girls." The flight attendant smiled and gestured to our seats.

"Thanks so much." I smiled. She gave a polite nod and left to help others.

Suddenly, I was knocked over by Nicole, trying to look over me.

"Agh! What's wrong with you?!"

I heard a soft chuckle, and my body being lifted by someone.

I looked up to see a guy; he looked quite familiar.

"You're Jason, from Team Crafted!!!" Nicole squealed.

I covered my ears and thanked the guy, Jason, as I gained my balance again.

"I sure am." Jason nodded and helped us put our hand carriage in the compartment at the top.

"Will you two be attending MineCon, as I suppose you're both MineCraft fans?" Jason asked.

"Me? Uh, no. Never really liked MineCraft, never will." I rolled my eyes slightly.

Is that even appropriate to say to someone who dedicates their life to MineCraft.

"I would have, but all the tickets were sold out before I could even lay my hands on the mouse." Nicole pout.

"Aw, that's too bad. Where are you ladies going off to, then?" Jason asked.

"Disneyland!" Nicole answered.

Jason's blue eyes flicked towards mine, and I could see the twinkle in them.

Damn... Blue eyes rule over grey eyes; the ones which I have at least.

"So are we, maybe all of us could go together." The end of his lips tugged up.

"All of us? Is the rest of the TC group here?!" Nicole looked at him.

"Well, Mitch-"

"Jason, what's taking you so long?" Mitch, as if on cue, came walking down the isle.

"Mitch, oh my God!" Nicole squealed.

So much damn squealing today...
I ignored their conversation and slipped to the window seat. But, Jason took the seat next to me instead of Nicole. Ugh. I have to talk to this MineCraft freak for the whole ride?

"So, tell me about yourself." Jason spoke up, leaning over to my side.

I bit my lip... His brown hair, his blue eyes... Just wow.

"I-I...I'm... Um... 18. Nicole, the girl with Mitch at the moment and I go to BellWood College Institute and we'll be going onto CamBridge College after we finish our gap year." I searched through my head for more information about myself, but all that was in there was Jason; his eyes, face... I sound so stalker-ish right now.

"Oh," I blushed. "My name is Destiny, Destiny Blue."

Jason chuckled and told me a little bit about himself. The basics; his name, his family, how he loves to make YouTube videos, and just a little about his background.

About 2 and a half hours later, we landed in Florida.

"Hey, I'll see you tomorrow?" Jason gave me a weird wink, and giving my phone back before catching up with Mitch who just finished talking to Nicole.

"Wow." Nicole sighed once I stood next to her. "Did that really just happen?"

I laughed and smacked her arm. "Lets go catch a taxi to a hotel."

My phone buzzed and I quickly jumped. "Damn vibration." I groaned and took it out of my pocket.




What do you want? I'm trying to find a hotel!! :c


Whoa, did I get the right phone number, Miss. Grumpy Pants!

I rolled my eyes and put my phone away. I'll deal with him later. When I looked over, Nicole was texting someone- Mitch.

I called a taxi. And the taxi driver was nice and directed us to a cheap, but good conditioned hotel.

We tipped him and went to sign in. Our room was small, but it was very nice; with the bathroom being on the right when you walked in, and the room was like any other hotel. It was fixed with 2 beds, a bedside table in between the 2, and one of the walls was made of glass. In front of the 2 beds and against the wall, was a tv.

I crawled into bed, telling a soft goodnight to Nicole and texting Jason goodnight. Then I fell asleep quickly, although it was only 7:30pm.

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