Chapter 28: The Perfect Moment

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     Jerome’s POV

I hailed a taxi as soon as I walked outside and I head towards the Peninsula Beverley Hills hotel. As soon as I entered, I heard the manager and a girl arguing

“Please, I just need to meet Mr. Charles, we planned an interview for my internship.” The girl said.

“I have no message from Mr. Charles about a girl intern, if you are even an intern…” the manager sneered.

The girl’s eyes widened and her cheeks reddened angrily. I rushed towards both of them and stopped the fucking manager from saying anymore shit.

“Lily! There you are, Kyle must have forgot to tell you that he had to go to my father’s gala today! He is always so damn forgetful.” I said, pulling the girl away from the manager.

“You better learn when to shut up or you are going to be in some deep shit. I can call my lawyers right now, and sue you hotel completely in a blink of an eye.” I warned.

“Uh I think you at the wrong place, sir” the manager at the desk said, looking disgusted at me. I had on a fancy shirt and black pants but the shirt was ripped and my pants were stained with blood from my bloody nose.

“Jerome Aceti.” I said to the manager at the front desk of the hotel. The manager looked at me and laughed.

“Sure, if you were from the Aceti family then I would be from the family of the Queen.” he said, smirking at me.

“Listen here, give me the damn room card now or I’ll fucking sue the hotel.” I growled.

“You listen here young man. I can call the cops right now and have you arrested for impersonation and a number of other things.” the manager said.

“Go to fucking hell. Call the damn police if you want, I think I know who the hell I am!” I said, my voice cool but filled with hate. I pulled out my phone and debated whether to call my lawyer or not.

“Mr. Aceti, what happened?” my driver rushed towards us as soon as he came in the door. The manager stared at me, his hand still holding the phone.

        The manager blinked at me for a moment, then recognition seeped into his eyes and he paled. He opened his mouth to say something but he thought against it.

 “James, just give me the room card, I had enough of this bullshit.” I said. James hurried and gave me the room card and I stormed towards the elevator and motioned for the girl to follow.

“James, pull up the limo out front in an hour.” I said briskly to my driver.

“W-who are you?” the girl asked, her eyes wide.

    “Hey, before you start with 20 Questions, tell me your name, ‘cause I’m pretty sure it’s not Lily. And why were you asking to meet Kyle, or Mr. Charles.” I said as we both walked towards the elevator, my voice almost flirting.

“I’m Ella Diamond. And I was supposed to be interviewed today by him. I’m here for an internship as his assistant.” She said.

“Well, I know for a fact Kyle is not here right now. He is on his way to the gala like I’m supposed to be.” I said.

 “Wait, are you talking about the gala hosted by the Nate Aceti?!?! You have an invitation?!?!” Ella asked. I laughed. Maybe dating someone else will take my mind off Nicole and turn me back to normal.

“Yeah, believe it or not, I’m Jerome Aceti.” I said with my signature smirk and my voice low.

I chuckled as Ella’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

   “I-I…….I….” she stuttered.

As we entered the elevator, I pulled out the gold card and swiped it and pressed the PS button for the Presidential Suites.

“By the way, you can borrow something from my sister’s closet for the gala.” I said, taking her stuttering and amazed expression as a yes.

The maid in the suite helped Ella choose a dress and matching stuff. As she went to get ready I changed into a beige suit and fixed my hair.

“How do I look?” Ella asked sheepishly as she and the maid walked out. I looked up from my phone and my mouth dropped open. She looked amazing…she had on a red dress and black heels. Her long black hair was in layers and her brown eyes sparkled.

    “You look amazing…” I said and she smiled. The room felt like it just turned up 100 degrees and I couldn’t breathe. She looked perfect and for just a moment, all the problems I had slipped away.

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