"Hi" stuttered Max, holding onto to his mom.

"Hi, there bud," I said, bopping his nose as I got close to them," a little birdie told me it's your birthday. Is that true?"

Max looks at me with his big blue-green eyes and shows me a goofy grin. "Yea, I'm turning 5!"


"Yeah, I'm a big boy!" Max cheered, his parents chuckled and stared at their son with so much love and care.

Gracie sets him down when he begins to get distracted, he runs away to join the other kids, seem like they were reenacting a scene from Batman and Superman movie. He may be turning 5 but damn! He's so small!

"Oh no, we're already done with the fruit punch?!" Gracie asked herself, running to the food table.

Wesley gestures me to follow her, ends up talking to Jack instantly about the theme of the party, I make my way over to Grace, coming up behind her, "Need any help?"

"Please," She begged.

We go inside together, handing me the bowl and instructing me how to make the fruit punch. As I stir the fruit punch, Gracie searched for more chips. She goes on about how long it took to decorate the back when Max kept on moving things around, she had to ask her mom to come and help since Jack worked during the morning.

"So, how's Calum and the boys? I haven't seen them for a while,"

I stopped stirring, shifting uneasy, I tried to reply to her but nothing would come out. I haven't fully talked about them. Grace looks up at me with confusion in her eyes, she instantly walks over to me, throwing over my shoulders, bring me close to her. I hugged her back, trying to calm myself down as Grace comforts me to calm down.

"What happened, Cassie?" Gracie asked me

I told her everything that has been happening since what happened the last time we came to the diner or even hanged out. She never cut me off, she stood quiet and listened to me.

"And now they started the tour with One Direction since February 23rd." 

"Wow, that's...wow," mumbled Gracie, tugging into her dress.

I nodded and looked outside. Wesley was playing with the little kids, flying Max with the kids running behind them, causing me to smile, " Yeah, but I'm getting over it. I don't need them, I've got you, Wesley, my cousin, your son, and boyfriend"

"That's great to hear that you're moving on, you don't needSorry but Grace," said Jack, coming inside," the musician you book to come to sing to Max can't come, things came up."

"What? No," said Gracie in her worry voice," I promised Maxie that I'll get someone to sing his favorite songs."

I felt sorry for Max. Grace started to panic, Jack comforted her, muttering comforting words to calm her down. I looked back outside, Wesley was on the grass with Max on top of him, punching his chest as Wesley grunts playfully with him and the kids watching them.

" I can sing."

"Wha-really? Are you sure? Remember what happened in 4th grade- you puked on stage," Gracie informed me.

I cringed at the memory, I never sang in front of the school, but when Grace had blurted that I sang at church, our music teacher has requested that I get the solo part. I grimaced while Jack laughed at me, "Grace, I-I'm sure. We wouldn't want him to be sad at his birthday party, now do we?"

Gracie and Jack told me the songs that Max wanted to hear. I quickly try to memorize the songs before Grace pushes me out of the kitchen to the back door, giving me the acoustic guitar," Hurry, he wants to hear it before he cuts the cake, so let's get going!"

We walked to a small deck and I stand there, nervously. Jack brought two stalls and sat on one and grabs the guitar from my grasp.

"Guys, we have someone who wants to sing to Max! Cassidy!" Gracie said to her guests who gathered in front of me.

Small but huge crowd. Cassidy, calm down. Just look up in the sky. It's full of stars, so pretend to be one. Looking back down, I looked over at Jack and nodded to him, letting him know I was ready. Then Jack starts to strum the guitar, recognizing the chords, I started on the first verse.

"And hey darling,
I hope you're good tonight.
And I know you don't feel right when I'm leaving."

I look at the small crowd, Wesley looked at me with a smile on his face. Throwing me thumps up. A few people were recording me, that's when my nervousness started to rise. It's okay, they're FaceBook moms. Focus on the song, focus. Jack started to sing to me in the chorus.

Memories of them hit me. My heart begins to ache, remembering how none of them tried to reach out for me. It's been at least two months since they left.

Jeez Cass, suck it up because there was nowhere in hell I am ever going to see them again. They're so fucking talented. They're going to be so famous and forget about me. So what's the whole point on trying to reach out for them? They're the past now.

Jack and I ended the song, everyone cheered and encouraging me to sing another song. Max smiles widely, looking up at us with so much joy. This felt good, singing in front of people. 


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Max! Happy birthday to you!" everyone sang to Max.

Max blow the candles and laughed as Gracie and Jack kissed him all of his faces. I smiled at the small family in front of me. Remembering how my parents and I were like this until I was in middle school. We had cake and everyone was leaving. I bid goodbyes to Gracie, Jack, and Max with Wesley and walked back to the car.

"You were badass singing up there," Wesley told me as he drives me back home.

"Thanks," I replied, smiling to myself.

"I didn't know you could sing," Wesley said to me, "I thought you said singing was not your thing."

"It was, I used to be in a choir when I was younger." I told Wesley, shrugging," it's not a big deal."

"Are you kidding me? It's a big deal, Cass," said Wesley, "You have talent."

We drove through Hollywood and stopped by the beach, watching the sky and waves. It was midnight and honestly, I don't care when I'm around Wesley. He makes me feel safe more than I have ever felt before. He's helping me. He's helping me get through this bullshit. He'll always be there whether I ask him for help or not.

"C' mere, I'm cold," shivered Wesley, grabbing and putting me on his lap.

"No," I groaned but I couldn't help, I felt comfortable in his arms.

We talked about random things. It didn't matter what it is, it didn't bore us. We never got bored with each other. Eventually, Wesley takes me home. He was too tired to go home so I let him slept over, once again my parents were out, making new contracts worldwide to expand our business. I went to the basement and grabbed extra clothes for Wes and gave him blankets.

"Hey Wesley," I said as he fixed his so-called bed.

"Yeah?" Wesley asked me, as he stopped what he was doing and looked at me.

"Thank you for being there for me ever since they left," I mumbled looking at him.

Wesley walked to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, putting his head on my shoulder. "I'd do anything to make you happy."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. We back away slowly. Our faces were inches away from each other. I looked into his eyes, gosh, how did I never notice they were so pretty? He's pretty. I soon realized that Wesley and I were leaning in. I closed my eyes and felt his lips touched my lips. It felt like fireworks were sparking as Wesley and I were kissing.

We both back up, breathing heavily. I smiled and Wesley chuckles then he pecks my lips, "Goodnight, Wesley,"

"Goodnight, Cassidy."

I quickly go upstairs to my room. When I opened my door, I closed it and leaned on to it. Just thinking about the kiss made me happy, I couldn't stop smiling. It made me feel giddy inside. 

I wish it made me feel giddy in my heart too.

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