But as time would have it Stef had reached a breaking point and could no longer hold up that strength another minute. She had finally opened up her entire heart to Lena. Every single bit of it even if it was the scariest thing she had ever done. The level of trust she had for her Lena was beyond any words imaginable for it was one of the reason she was able to crack the armor she had so forcefully put it. Stef had come by for their so called casual routine lunch in Lena's office except that day she had not shown up with the usual smile that had graced her face when she laid eyes on Lena. She had not shown up with that unbreakable strength she displayed on a daily basis to any and everyone. Instead she came by with every single wall crashing down. Every single entire wall and had let Lena see the most vulnerable side of her..leading too. Leading to something.. and a shift in their friendship. As Lena sat at her desk reapplying her makeup and fixing her curly hair as she always did before their lunches she heard the knock at the door.

"Come in!" she said happily and forming a wide smile on her face as she knew exactly who was on the other side of the door. But as soon as Stef walked in Lena knew instantly by the look on her face, the look she was trying so hard to concile by not making any eye contact that she clearly had been crying.

"Stef ...Stef are you ok?" her voice filled with concern as she stood up quickly to get to her side.

"Yeah..yeah I'm ok just um..just tired." Stef shut the door and stood awkwardly with food in her hands. But Lena knew she was not as she took the food from her setting it aside on the table. Stef had continued to divert any eye contact by looking at the ground.

"Stef..come on. We have known each other a little bit now. When are you going to start talking to me about what's really going on?" Lena stood close to the blonde grabbing for her hand gently and squeezing it. Stef squeezed it back and held it tight. A few moments later she lifted her face up and Lena saw the tears fall from her face.

"Oh Stef..what's wrong lo.." Lena almost let that affectionate term slip out but quickly caught herself.

"Lena...I'm sorry... I.." Stef fumbled over her words. "I just...I didn't mean to come here like this." she looked everywhere but at Lena.

"Stef...no it's ok. Come sit." Lena continue to hold Stef's hand as she led her over to the couch. She could feel her heart breaking as she saw the strong blonde she was so in love with cry.

"Stef...talk to me it's ok." she continued. She could see whatever was bothering Stef was eating her up and her mind went straight to Jude.

"Is something wrong with Jude? I just saw him..."

"I...I lost my house Lena." Stefs head was down as she was too ashamed to look at Lena. Too ashamed to admit any kind of defeat and too ashamed to admit her so called failure. Lena looked at her surprised but placed her hand on her back rubbing it gently.

"What...what Happened?"

Stef still had not looked up and Lena could sense her embarrassment and she knew it took every ounce of courage in Stef to tell her this. It was Stef who had listened to her more times than she could count about her problems with Timothy and how he was making her life hell with the impending separation. But Stef had yet to take her own walls down.

" I just wasn't able to keep up the payments for the mortgage. I was stupid. I should have saved more and since Mike left he .." Lena knew what she was going to say.

" Stef it's not your fault. You couldnt know any of this would happen. You didn't know and you didn't know Mike would give you such a hard time. Do you need money?..I have some stashed away in another account I've been saving." Lena would give her all the money in the world. She would do anything for this blonde beauty.

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