Always Be Here (Hunk x Reader!)

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Hunk was pretty sure that if he had the chance, he would hit rewind. Not because the priceless memories he created with him/her were terrible, but because he would give anything to relive such wonderful, fun moments any time. He could recall the rejoice in his/her attempt of a whisper as he/she lays still, slender finger pointing towards the clear sky dotted with stars, crystal clear memory the glint in his/her eyes as he/she talks about the constellations. Astronomy was always little of interest to Hunk, although he would find himself smile and listening intently to every word that fell from his/her lips, the small curl of his/her lips whenever he/she rambled.

It was rather fun to imagine what (y/n)'s reaction would be to learn of Hunk's defender of the universe story and how full of himself he would become, suddenly full of proudness and confidence, much like Lance. Man, was Hunk getting too spacey lately. He blinked twice out of confusion as to what he was doing, shaking his head in restraint, making sure he wouldn't fall into a daze again. Oh, he was holding a wrench in his hand, Pidge raising a brow, quite like they were generally curious to know of the thoughts that occupied his mind but. Instead, Pidge held out their hand, fingertips mentioning Hunk to place it on the palm and he did, watching the green paladin working.

"Give it a rest, Hunk," Pidge grunts, head searching back as they stop for a moment before continuing with the task at hand, "whatever it is,"

"No." Hunk caught himself say, surprising even himself, "-I mean, not yet," a sigh slipped.

Well, it wasn't like anyone knew what Hunk was going through. He hardly told anyone, although he knew it was in the best interest that he should have. Yet, he couldn't bring himself to even mutter the name of him/her. For some reason, he could say the name of his once boyfriend/girlfriend in his head, repeating it and it never got old. Pidge was fidgeting, recreating something new while Hunk stood there, baffled as to why he was being so useless. Come to think of it, when was the last time he laid eyes on his significant other so tenderly? It's been too long, far too long for him and just thinking of the incident last summer fuelled him with sorrow.

"It's for the best, Hunk." He/she whispers one night, curled up to his side, "But remember this: if there is an afterlife, I'll constantly pray for your happiness, so Hunk, always be happy."

Wow, he hated this feeling. His facial expression was probably full of anguish, Pidge standing up from their crouching position to place a hand on Hunk's shoulder, wry smile to accompany the actions full of apathy. Hunk knew all too well that Pidge had their own problems and not wanting to worry them, shot a goofy grin to hide once more. Pidge was reluctant at first, hand slowly removing itself from the broad shoulder and finally dropped to their side. It was at that moment that Hunk wanted nothing more than to escape from the uncomfortable situation, yet instead he avoided eye contact, jumbled anxiousness now washing over, slowly shattering what was left of his confidence.

"Oh, I just remembered-," Hunk says, pointing towards the door with his thumbs, nervous chuckle escaping, "-Shiro told I had to talk with him," he finishes, dismissively

Before Pidge could muster up even a word, Hunk hesitantly picked up his pace and exited the premises, body tense from the situation. The door slid open and he rushed out, a sigh of relief falling from his lips, eyes closing and opening before he stopped, flickering between his brown boots and the white tiled flourish. Resuming his trudges forward, a faint feeling of loneliness surfaced, and tinge of nostalgia hitting him all the while his feet lead him anywhere.


Thank god the group landed on a planet as lovely as that one, otherwise Hunk would go crazy at the feeling of suffocation, it's been too long since he rested like this. The breeze whisked his hair, head tilted up to feel the wonderful sensation and he took in the scenery of green lush before him. It was as if all his problems seeped away for a moment, eyes finally fluttering closed then open to look at the colourful sky above him and there it was again, the unsettling loneliness that seemed to ruin the calm atmosphere that he had.

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