Chapter 4: WhatsApp

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Pic of Astrid Wood on top^^^

Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.
-- John Wooden

Chapter 4: WhatsApp

Listen to the song My Type by The Chainsmokers ft. Emily Warren. 

I walked back home after school, the image of Helena and James was still buzzing a hole in my head. Thankfully paparazzi wasn't after me.

I shouldn't care, I shouldn't, ugh! Why? Why do I care! He can kiss who he wants!

Sure! He had an award winning smile and the most sparkly eyes but that doesn't mean I worshiped the ground he walked on! He's not God! Even if he looked like one!

Get a hold of yourself.

I entered my house and walked to the living room and threw my bag on the couch and walked straight away to the kitchen fridge.

"Miss McKenzie what brings you here today huh?" Robert the cook asked.

"Why do I normally come here Robert?" I asked him trying to put on a smile.

"Well when you're sad, hurt or angry. Normally it's just cause you want a granola bar" he said like he memorised all the reasons I came here for.

"Now I'm a mixture of all those three. But no " I said.

"What is it miss?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing, just please just want alcohol," I said "a lot of it" I added.

"Are you sure Miss?" he asked unsure. 

"Yes I am sure Robert" I said angrily.

"Sorry don't mind me, I'm just not up to it today" I said getting myself under control.

He poured me a drink from the fridge.  Without a word of appreciation I walked out of the kitchen and to my room.

I took off my clothes and changed into something more comfortable, which in my words are shorts and a tank top.

My phone started blaring all of a sudden as my ringtone, "Issues" started playing just as I pulled on my top.

I took out the phone from my bad and saw 'Dad' written in bold. I rolled my eyes as I swiped the green button and made myself comfortable on the bean bag.

"April?" Dad starts.

"Yes Dad?" I shrugged out.

"I just got a call from the school principal saying that you walked out of school with no permission" he said as I heard the disappointment in his voice.

"Actually Dad, I'm feeling really sick and my head was aching so I came straight home, sorry" I lied.

"Okay, anyways please don't do that next time, take a permit or something" he said and cut the call.

No, 'get well soon April' or anything like that but I'm not surprised cause it was always like this.

I heard my phone go 'ping' with the WhatsApp ringtone.

I opened my phone and scrolled through the messages, from all my freinds asking me why I left without telling anyone. I ignored those messages like I normally would.

But the thing that struck me the most was as I opened the group chat of our friends, I was surprised cause guess what?

We have a new person in our group. We never add a new person in our group!. As I opened up to view the person's profile I rolled my eyes, cause in that profile picture was a picture of James, yes a very good looking half naked James Darwin.

My Other HalfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon