Chapter 27: Over

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Sometimes all you have to do is forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.



Chapter 27: It's Over

Listen to the song Give your heart a break by Demi Lovato.


We all hate that moment when you're in a blissful sleep and then you're woken up by some asshole you consider has no manners!

I scrunched my nose as I heard a, 'thud' from the bathroom which I learnt now was to the left of the room I'm currently in.

Must be James' roommate. I concluded.

I tried to go back to sleep, but finally giving up I opened my eyes and took a good look of the scene around me.

There were clothes just strewn across the bedroom floor. I was currently in one of James' shirt and my underwear. Feeling the small pull on my bare waist I realised that I was under James' firm grip.

Last night.... I don't know how whether to be shocked or thrilled or embarrassed that I lost my V-card for heaven's sakes. That should be a real big deal! Well, it is!

After a huge struggle I finally pulled out of James' grip without waking him up. I walked across the room to the door and opened it, I glanced at my watch 5:30am, Sheesh! Who gets up this early in the morning?

I walked to the kitchen and took out a bottle of water, taking a big sip from it.


I turned on my heel to come face to face with the back of a boy who looked a day over 19, his blonde hair a little bit of a mess.

He turned around and gave me a good look over from head to toe, and my current clothing, 'lack of clothing ' didn't help.

"Okay" he drawled, "This was the last thing I was expecting to see so early in the morning!" he muttered.

"Sorry I guess?" I answered umsurely.

"Don't be sorry! It's pretty cool to get out of the bathroom and see a celebrity walking in well, hardly anything compared to what she wears on the red carpet!" he smirked.

"For the record I've been down the down a red carpet just twice!" I said glaring at his blue eyes, I'm guessing any girl but me would have fallen head over heels for a guy like him.

"Well, I'm sorry then" he chuckled.

"I'm assuming you're Maddox?" I asked.

"That's me, and I feel honoured to meet you too her majesty!" he said doing a curtsy.

"I'm not a princess dude!" I said laughing.

"Anyways it's good to see that James wasn't lying about knowing you though he could've mentioned you'll were sleeping together!" he said raising his eyebrow and walking towards the counter as I rolled my eyes.

"You want anything to eat??'' he asked as he took out a bottle of aspirin from one of the cabinets.

"I'm fine thanks, just needed to hydrate" I said raising the bottle a little.

"After what you did last night I'm sure you need all the water in the world?" he winked.

"Wh-What?" I asked choking a little.

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