Chapter 6: Drunken Tales

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Pic of Peyton Rivers on top^^^^

Don't let a fool kiss you or a kiss fool you.

--Joey Adams

Chapter 6: Drunken Tales

Listen to the song Good For You by Selena Gomez.


Peyton, Astrid, Scarlet and Kailee had all parked themselves in different places in my room.

Peyton was sitting on the beanbag, Scarlet at the edge of my bed, Kailee was digging through my closet and Astrid was staring at the screen of her phone from my window parapet.

They all thought I needed a new look to attract some guys, yes they thought I needed to get my mind off things. Which is stupid, since I'm fine!

"You guys can decide what April wants to wear I'm going to the loo" Scarlet winced.

"Are you sure your going to the loo?" Kailee asked Scarlet with a playful smirk, "or is this a getaway to go call up Wayne!" she continued.

"Kails how dare you!" Scarlet said blushing furiously the red colour was completely visible on her pale skin.

Everyone knew Scarlet had some kind of feelings for Wayne. He'd been hinting to her that he liked her but she as stupid as she is, hadn't caught the hint yet.

While Scarlet walked to the bathroom with her head held high up in the air, Astrid entered my step in closet as Kailee took her place on the window exhausted since I disagreed with almost everything.

She started going through all my clothes finally she came out with a black mini skirt and a  sleeveless blue, see through, lace blouse.

"No way I'm wearing that!" I remarked.

"You do know that if you wear this you might snag yourself a hottie?" Peyton said.

"What if I don't want to be in a relationship? What if I want to be single? Have you ever-" I couldn't continue ranting cause someone cut through my statement, "of course you don't want a relationship after what you must have done last night" Scarlet said coming out of the bathroom with the pair of shorts I had given James yesterday in her hands.

I gulped, " No it's not what you guys probably think" I said looking at their star struck faces.

"Who was the guy? How was the midnight rendezvous" Scarlet asked.

"You lost your virginity?" Kailee shrieked.

"You should have told us who is it you slept with? Did he force you to have sex or did you think it would make you feel better, cause you should have told us" Scarlet said concerned.

"Was it Dean?" Astrid asked and as if on cue everybody shut up and stared at her like she just grew another head.

"Don't look at me like that! He was here today morning, you never know she could've been tipsy and he must have been drunk too and you know" she said like she actually didn't trust me at all.

"You actually think I'd sleep with that jerk? You know I would never do that to you!" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know what to think okay! He's been rather closed off today so I thought you had something to do with it!" she said angrily.

"Well it wasn't him! He came over in the morning to tell me something important and how can you accuse me of something like that?" I asked a little hurt that she didn't trust me.

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