Bonus Chapter

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In this chapter we're basically going to find out about what is going on in Peyton's life, from the time that she finished getting ready for the auction.

But a big note to all of you guys! This isn't the end of the book there's alot more left!


Peyton's POV

"This is the one! It's the one!" I hear Scarlet shout out.

"And how the hell would you know that?" I asked as I came out of April's bathroom with a knee length black A-line tube dress.

"I have fashion in my blood! Trust me on this one!" she scoffs and looks at me accusingly.

"You ready April? Cause the faster we leave the sooner we reach to watch the entire pep rally" I announce checking the time on my phone.

Though there's some unfinished business I have before that. I have to find a way to make April and Scarlet delay!

"I just have to straighten her hair and do a little makeup then we can leave!" Scarlet replied.

Well Scarlet made my problems easy I could go write the letter now!

"Fine I'll be back soon" I say walking towards the door. I need a pen! Why do I forget the important stuff!?!

"Umm... Rilly do you have a pen?" I ask spinning around on my heel.

"Yea here you go" she said and gave me a pen that was lying on her table whilst eyeing me suspiciously.

"Where are you going?" she asked as she opens the door.

"Just, you know.... Downstairs" I lied and walk out the door before I could be interrogated anymore.

I look down the hallway and make sure there's no one around and I walk straight into the room opposite April's.

I take a good look around and a smile makes its way to my lips. I look around and I spotted that the sheets of the bed have been changed since my last visit here.

Surely it was April who cleaned the room, she hated anyone else who entered the room that's why I made sure nobody caught me when I entered and that's how it was everytime. Especially on each and every sleepover.

I almost got caught once, it was about three months after the accident. I had left April's room even though I knew April wasn't in deep sleep but I wasn't getting any sleep so I thought being around him would help. I sat on his bed they had a musty smell but it didn't affect me. But it was hardly three minutes before I was tearing up,  but I was quick to stop when I heard April's door shut. Fortunately I found a good hiding spot in the closet right after switching off the light because soon enough she was in the room. She walked to the bed and fell right on it she whispered something far too silently before frowning and getting up. She left the room and I gave a sigh of relief.

I walked up to the study table. There were three papers left in the 2nd drawer. The first time I came here after the accident I stacked up a whole bundle of papers and to see that just 3 were remaining proves I wrote alot to him, then again he never wrote back so it made no sense but I did it anyways.

Before I started writing my own letter I took out the one he had given me 2 and a half years back on the night of the accident.

Dear Red,

I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I ever hurt you or if I said something to you that hurt you ever!
I'm not going to lie hiding what we have between us has been taking a toll on me lately but I respect your decision of waiting for the right time, if it weren't for you I swear I'd have told Rilly and Dean by now cause I never hide anything from them. Plus Rilly being the detective she is, has been looking for any clues on who my mystery girl is and I'm not going to underestimate her especially after she found out I ate her peanut butter sandwich even after I replaced it (the girl is scary). But then again, it's you Peyton! I'm not ready to share you with anyone else. Unfortunately April's already your best friend, there goes our quality time together😢

My Other Halfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें