Chapter 12: Hurt

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Picture of Helena Rose ^^^


Never whine,
never complain,
never try to justify yourself.

--Robert Greene.


Chapter 12 : Hurt

Listen to the song We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift.


April Lira McKenzie would you do me the honor of being my date to the charity dance?

No one ever said my name with such lilt in their voice, in fact I hated when people used my full name but sometimes it just gets to you I guess?

I kept replaying those words in my head. I couldn't believe it the Ethan Dawn was asking me, April McKenzie to homecoming!?

No he didn't April, I'm pretty sure you were dreaming!

Finally he decided to break the silence, "If you don't want to go it's fine. I was-"

"No. Stop talking! Let my brain process this!" I squealed.

He chuckled at my response and waited staring at me patiently.
As I brought myself together and analysed the situation in front of me.

Ethan Dawn one of the hottest and biggest jocks in senior year asking me April McKenzie the girl who's​ always concerned on nothing but studies, basically people call me a nerd but I honestly do not agree with that because I'm not a nerd, it's just that I find it hard to trust people so I tend to get socially awkward, and shut people out. Then what if someone else asks me... And what if I want to go with that person!

Or I could just say no and stay home eating popcorn and watching some movie and then getting comfy under my blanket and cuddling with my teddy bear I won at the fair... Don't judge me that bear is just very cuddly.

But getting back to the situation at hand, what should I say. I'd kill to go with him but should I? Any girl in senior or junior year would kill to be in my place right now!

"So this isn't a joke right, cause if it is you are so dead?" I asked a little unsure.

"I'm dead serious" he says with a chuckle.

"Doesn't seem like it" I mutter.

"What was that?" He asked looking at me confused.

"Umm. Nothing" I mumble.

"So....?" he looked at me hopefully.

Just say you'll think about it.

"Yes, I'd love to go to the dance with you" I said smiling brightly forgetting about all my extra thoughts.

Wow! I said yes! Okay April you're not getting married this is just a stupid dance people go to in high school, don't get so excited.

"I totally understand. I mean why would a girl like you say- wait what?" he asked unsurely.

I start laughing hysterically, "yes I said yes" I see the glint in his eyes as he tries to dispose the fact that I was laughing so much in the middle of class. Fudge! I'm such a freak.

"Miss McKenzie! Do share with us the joke that has hooked onto you so well?" Sir Carter shouted out to me.

"Ummm. It's nothing sir" I said quietly making a complete fool of myself as I spot Helena who was sitting a few seats infront of me snicker.

"It is none of your business, so please do continue your class" Ethan came to my rescue making the entire class errupt into fits of laughter. It honestly never mattered whether he made a good or bad joke the class would laugh either way.

"All right quiet down everybody. Now before the bell rings there is some work I would like you'll-" sir began, only to be interrupted by a shrill sound of the bell and guess what?

So if you guessed right the whole class didn't pay heed to a word Sir Carter was saying as everyone zoomed out into the corridors getting ready to go to the cafeteria.

"So that means I'll pick you up on Saturday at seven thirty?" Ethan asked as he winked and walked out of class.

"Yup" I said quickly hoping he heard me.

As he walked out of the class and I stacked my stuff together I heard the door open again and Justin entered the class, " Hey Justin. Wassup?" I asked as I started walking out of class towards my locker.

"Well I know I said I'll talk to you after lunch but..... I'm not sure how to say this but April Lira McKenzie could you be my date to the charity dance? " Justin suddenly spoke leaving me a little queasy cause I wasn't sure how to react. Shit!

"Umm..Firstly how many times am I supposed to tell you not to use my full name it's annoying also Justin you see.." I started but I couldn't bring myself to continue.

Just then I saw the flicker of a greenish blue eye with a pair of grey eyes walking towards us.

James came upfront with Jonathan in tow. They were both grinning and James was all sweaty and yet attractive..Wait! What?

"Guess who made it on the basketball team?" James screams over to me and Justin.

"Ummm... Someone who isn't you?" I say cunningly.

"Haha very funny. Thanks to coach asking me to come for trials no Carter homework for me!" James said beaming happily.

"Umm just for the record there wasn't​ any homework today" I said smirking.

"Ugh! I tell you that man only wants to torture me with his bloody homework" he said angrily as we all laughed.

"So.. see you both at lunch!" James shouted waiting for Ethan to follow him but Ethan was thinking otherwise, "Hey April once you choose your dress tell me the colour so I could maybe get a matching tie" he called back to me.

"Umm.. sure" I said as I peeked a good look at James and I saw a flash of hurt pass through his face as soon as he caught my eyes, "for what?" he asked ignoring the look in my eyes.

"Umm the charity dance!!" Ethan replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Ohhh" he said without sparing me a glance he walked away into the crowd. As Ethan followed him.

"So your going with him? Huh?" Justin asked breaking the silence.

"Umm yes.. He asked first and I really wanted to-" I said but I was stopped as Justin place his index finger over my lips.

"Don't worry I get it " he said and walked away.

Well that was eventful. I couldn't believe it. I hurt Justin, all because of a stupid dance I actually had no intention of going to in the start.

But what I still couldn't understand was why James had to stalk off like that. What did I do?

The one thing I did understand though was that the minute Ethan brought up the topic of the charity dance, I saw a flash of hurt in James' eyes. An image still imprinted into my brain.

He may be a big player who owns a cool car and wears a leather jacket but deep inside somewhere so deep in his heart, that boy has gone through the worst situations and thus making his façade so strong.

I wonder what his life was before coming here to New Jersey? Where did he live? Did he have friends? Or was he always like this?


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