Chapter 46: All That's Good Ends Well

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I love you for infinity.


Chapter 46: All That's Good Ends Well

Listen to the song The Scientist by Coldplay (Boyce Avenue ft. Hannah Trigwell acoustic version cover)

A/N :- It's really important to listen to this song at the exact correct time. You'll get what I mean after you start reading...
Happy Reading ♥

(April's POV)

I'm over it.

That's what I've been telling myself for the last hour.
Truth is I want to get on a plane and go to Georgia and tell him I'm sorry.

"Today is Scarlet's birthday Miss McKenzie" I heard my intercom system raise Stella's voice.

"Thanks Stell" I said and got up to get changed. It's a Saturday morning and I know I have to start a fresh cause James isn't coming back and I have to step back into reality.

After getting changed and pulling my hair up into a high ponytail I took my bag, my phone and Scarlet's Jimmy Choo gift card and walked out of the door.

"Jasper left to pick Peyton. Could you please give me a ride?" Helena asked as she stepped out of her room.

"Sure, just have a quick breakfast" I said nonchalantly.

"You're eating something too, I don't want you to faint in the middle of the school halls again" Helena said strictly which weirdly made me comply.

After having a bowl of cereal and milk, the two of us walked out and got into my car. We drove to school.

The completely weird thing was that I couldn't spot my friends, they're normally always in the parking lot.

I walked into the glass doors of hell and went straight to my locker. I opened it and just as I did about a red paper heart folded into half caught my attention.

Slowly and cautiously I picked it up and opened it, "You're perfect, flawless and the absolute best" the note read but there was no name signed.

Confused I picked up the heart and stuffed it in my bag.

Then I walked to class as the bell rang and the first thing that caught my eye was that everyone was looking at me and smirking.

I just sat in my place, the seat infront of me empty like it has been for the past two weeks.

I took out my book and started flipping through the pages and I realised that alot of eyes were strained on me, I looked at them raising my eyebrows but as my eyes caught Dean, he motioned towards the front of the class.

I looked up straight at the board and gaped at what I saw.

"April McKenzie, I'm sorry for hurting you. But please fucking forgive me cause I need you!" I just stared at the words and they somehow managed to get a chuckle out of me.

"Who wrote that?" I asked Dean suspiciously.

"I don't know" he said but I knew straight away that he was lying.

"Where is he?" I asked him.

"Who are you talking about?" Dean asked with a bewildered face. Rolling my eyes I put my head down on my books.

"I would take the person who wrote this to the principals office, but it's pretty sweet so I'm forgiving you for using fowl language this once in my classroom" Miss Carey said as she looked at me and smirked.

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