Chapter 26: More than a Date

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Be patient the best things happen unexpectedly.


Chapter 26: More than a Date

Listen to the song Havana by Camilla Cabello.


Sunday lunch couldn't have been any more awkward than it was today at my house.

How do I know you ask?

Trust me having lunch with your Mum and Dad who are unhappily divorced and to add to that you're not talking to your Dad and you're mum's pregnant with her dumb boyfriend's baby. I'm sure it couldn't get worse but turns out it does!

I have to break it to them that I'm going out on a date with the guy my dad practically hates and my mom.... Well my mom's not a problem there.

But seriously why did Jasper leave me alone to cope with all this rubbish alone.

Mom sat across me giving me occasional smiles while sipping on her wine and dad was at the head of the table rolling his eyes each time mom and I glared at him.

Finally getting sick of playing with the vegetables on my plate and not feeling in the slightest bit hungry I walked to the kitchen with my plate.

Stella comes running out of nowhere to get my plate.
"It's okay Stell I've got it!" I said smiling.

"No miss I insist'' grabbing the plate from my hold.

"And I insist you stop calling me Miss seriously Stella 17 years and it's been hardly twice that you've used my name!" I exclaimed. She chuckled not answering and taking my plate to the kitchen.

As I looked back at my parents, I decided I might as well break the bomb.

"I won't be home for dinner" I announce.

"Why? You going out with Peyton for a movie cause I was hoping I could talk to you tonight" mom pounced in.

"Actually I'm going out on a date" I mumbled.

"With whom?" Mom exclaimed with glee.

"James" I said quietly.

"That boy has no manners whatsoever and no daughter of mine can go out with that pesky boy!" Dad ordered.

"Ben, she can go out with any boy she wants to go out with, whether you like it or not" Mom said standing up for me.

"April honey, go up to your room I need to talk to your Dad and why don't you pick out something nice to wear!" my mom said smiling.

"Sure" I mumbled and walked out of the dining room and up the stairs.

I wasn't surprised mom took up for me it's always been like that mom supported me while dad supported Jasper, thus when Dad got full custody of me and Jasper I was heartbroken cause mom would be living in New York and we'd hardly meet. But nonetheless every chance I got to make her happy I did for example the many photoshoots I've done for her.

As soon as I entered the room my phone started ringing off the hook. Without glancing at the name I swiped the green accept button.

"Hello?" I spoke walking to my closet.

"Hey there Ki-Kat" a voice spoke from the other end of the line.

"Please don't tell me you're cancelling on my sorry ass" I spoke without thinking.

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