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this takes place in season 12


It's the first time in years Dean had celebrated Thanksgiving.

He and Sam had always been on the road or had always been staying at crappy motels.

Not this year.

They were finally at the bunker on Thanksgiving. Mary was back, and wanted to give her sons (and Castiel) a true Thanksgiving meal. She had gone out the day before and bought loads of food so she could cook them a meal.

Dean faintly remembered her doing the same thing when he was a kid. He remembered her getting up early to put the turkey in the oven. He'd smell it all day, and it would drive him crazy that the turkey wasn't done yet.

"Dean?" Cas repeated himself, pulling the hunter out of his thoughts. "Are you okay? You were spacing out."

"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled, kissing his boyfriend's cheek. "Let's finish peeling these apples." They were in the process of peeling green apples for the apple pie they were making.

The angel nodded, continuing peeling the apple he was working on.


Several hours later, everything was ready. All of their food lay out on the table. Sam was going around, pouring a nice red wine into everyone's glasses. He sat down after doing so, smiling at his mother. He genuinely seemed more happy now that Mary had returned.

"I'll say grace." Mary offered. She closed her eyes. "Thank you God for all of this wonderful food we have on our table. Thank you for my beautiful sons, and gracing us with Castiel. And most of all, thank you for returning me to my family." She smiled. "Amen."

"Amen," everyone chorused.

Dean lifted up his wine glass, raising a toast. "To Mary, our amazing mom who made us such a wonderful meal." He smiled at his mom. Sam, Mary, and Cas lifted up their glasses as well, toasting each other.

They piled up their plates with food and started eating. Dean went for seconds and thirds, all the while complimenting his mom on her wonderful cooking skills. After dinner, Mary brought the apple pie out. Dean was honestly full, but since it was pie, he would make room. He could never resist pie.

When he was done eating his piece of pie, Dean tugged Castiel into the living room, pulling him onto the couch. They both sat down, and Dean wrapped an arm around the angel as he turned on the tv to watch football.

Mary later found the two of them sleeping on the couch, Dean's arm still draped around Cas.

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