Chapter Thirty Seven: Found My Rainbow

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I took a seat beside Ty and across from Whitney, waiting for her to explain. Once we were all settled Whitney began.

"Eight months after I had Kyran, I ended up getting pregnant with Matthew, and then after Matthew, I had you Rebecca. Bert and I had just finished our research at the time and when your father found out we were having another kid he freaked out and left."

"I was scared too. I didn't know what to do, and if I am being completely honest, I was to focused on my work. I didn't know how to handle having three children under the age of five all on my own. So, after we implanted the chip, I gave you and Matthew up for adoption."

"You and Matthew were to young to remember me, but I knew you always had each other and I thought I was doing what was right. I made mistakes, I know, but I have changed. I am different now and I want to be a part of your lives."

All of this new information felt like it was spinning and bouncing in my brain, becoming a mess of tangled thoughts. I rubbed my temples, trying to chase away the dull ache that was forming behind my eyes.

"Why would you implant the chip if I wasn't even going to know you?" I asked bitterly.

"Bert and I decided to monitor you from afar. We have always known what was going on in your life. We thought it would be a good idea to see how you coped with your abilities on your own. I never forgot about you Rebecca. Every day I thought of you."

I shook my head, feeling overwhelmed and confused. I needed to get away. I needed to sort my thoughts. "I-I've got to get some air. I need to think," I said. After standing abruptly, I rushed out the doors and through the building until I got to the front doors.

I heard Hannah's voice calling after me, but I decided to ignore it. I wanted to see Matthew right now. But I couldn't do that to him, not right now at least. He has been through so much, I can't just drop this huge bomb on him just as he is starting to recover.

I groaned out loud, dropping into a bench that was placed in the middle of a park just a block down from the police station. I buried my head in my hands and let hot tears stream down my face.

Several minutes later I felt a body drop down in the empty spot beside me and an arm snake across my shoulders, pulling me into them. I jumped, expecting it to be Hannah but realizing that it most definitely wasn't.

My eyes shot up to the persons face, but when I saw, my muscles relaxed. Kyran sat beside me, his eyes glazed over with unshed tears. I let myself fall into his side, burying my head into his neck and sobbing. We stayed like that for fifteen minutes until I'd gathered myself enough to start talking.

"So, I guess you're my little sis huh?"

I chuckled a little. "Yeah I guess so."

Kyran nodded in response, staring off into space. I'm sure he was lost in his own thought. He probably had as many questions as I did. Maybe more. I mean, this was his mother that he'd know his entire life. He trusted her much more than I did.

"Are you okay?" Kyran finally asked.

I inhaled a deep breath. "Yeah, I think so. I'm just a little shocked. You?"

"I don't know," he said with a shake of his head. "How could my- our mom be lying us for so long? She was everything to me and now I find out that everything was a lie. How can I look at her in the same way?"

My bottom lip slipped in between my teeth. "If I'm being honest, neither of us are ever going to look at her the same way. But, I think we both can forgive her with time. She did everything as a mother with our best interest at heart, even if it wasn't right."

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